A few thoughts:
- One question seems to assume that 'in public places on the grid' means available for RP, but keep in mind when crunching numbers that there are games for which this is not the culture, and where people are pretty much never out in public unless RPing.
- Your 'low XP or high XP' question ignores games with no XP or no system at all.
- Your 'PvE or PvP' question ignores games with neither (I might add 'social' as an option).
- How is a non-WoD game meant to answer the single sphere vs multi-sphere question? Are you really asking about factions?
- What is the different between a political game and a plot driven game? What if the plots are political?
- Really every question should have a 'NA' or 'other' option. I've run several games with no '+request' system, and one with a system that no one ever used really. Your questions about how information is disseminated are also likely to turn up some other weird options.
- Consider adding additional terminology for 'temp rooms', especially with the advent of Faraday's scene system.