Apr 21, 2018, 8:40 PM

Based off the TV show Supernatural, in an alternative universe where Sam said yes, and the virus is out and making things all apocalyptically. Using the Cortex system books / lore from the show. (Season 5, Episode 4, In game time of August, 2014).

Set in Nova Scotia, the virus is spreading through the Americas, but with the global society we have it's a matter of time before it takes over the world, unless it can be stopped?

Will be allowing Humans, Hunters, "Monsters", and Men of Letters.

PvP will be allowed, but kills must be justified and hopefully morally grey. So if you make a vampire, who only ever feeds on cows, and Hunters find out about you, they can kill you that's what Hunters do. But one Hunter might let you go, another just sees you as a monster. If you make a vampire who feeds from people but don't kill them, again, it's a grey area, depending on the Hunter. If you make a vampire who kills for fun leaving bodies everywhere? Expect to die. If you are a Hunter going after any of the vampires, expect to die.

No TV show characters will be playable.

Aside from the Apocalypse, the game would shoot more for the monster of the week format of the first few seasons, with the metaplot being the whole virus thing going on in the background.