@auspice ah well. Be nice to your shoulder. Dont overstress it with too much stretching you could over aggravate it. Icyhot, get yah some cold shizz, wait til the area is numb then warm it back up and massage
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Last week: "Once you're on the new project full-time, you'll need to move desks to the other room downstairs."
OK, cool.
Today: "You haven't been working the shifts on the new project in the other room. Remember, you have to work out of that room."
I called him out on it and pointed out he told me once I transition completely. My guess is he got fussed at over it and is now passing the buck off. No, just own up, say 'Hey I gave you the wrong information and I apologize.' not try to make it look like my fault.
But then this is the guy who fucked up getting me paid my OT (which will be on next week's check, thankfully).
@auspice WOO HOO! So you can have a belated birthday weekend!
@jibberthehut said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@auspice WOO HOO! So you can have a belated birthday weekend!
Yeah. I'm thinking I'll set some of it aside and make a day out of seeing Incredibles 2 and the new Jurassic World in a few weeks.
@auspice Oooh! Ooh! Moviepass! See if the service is available in your theatres. 8 bucks a month gets you what looks like a debit card - is a debit card - and you can see 3 movies a month. Shit you not. We've had it for a couple months now and have seen a bunch of movie that otherwise could not have seen. You just can't see movies twice, and you are supposedly going to start having to snap a picture of your stubs. Takes about a week, jsut a little over, for you to get a card. Oor 10 bucks gets you 'One movie a day". I have to wait another month before I can upgrade to the once a day.
@jibberthehut said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@auspice Oooh! Ooh! Moviepass! See if the service is available in your theatres. 8 bucks a month gets you what looks like a debit card - is a debit card - and you can see 3 movies a month. Shit you not. We've had it for a couple months now and have seen a bunch of movie that otherwise could not have seen. You just can't see movies twice, and you are supposedly going to start having to snap a picture of your stubs. Takes about a week, jsut a little over, for you to get a card. Oor 10 bucks gets you 'One movie a day". I have to wait another month before I can upgrade to the once a day.
Their steady stock loss and other financial problems concern me, though. I'm afraid if I sign up now, it won't last very long.
It would save me money tho. Due to lack of car, it costs me $30 just to get to/from the theater.
@auspice Yeah, I got one for me, because even if it only worked for a month, it would only cost me 8 bucks, and to see a movie on a not $5 night, is $11 9$13 if I want heated super recliners vs normal recliners). So even seeing one, already made it worth it for however long it lasts. I went with my son to see Isle of Dogs, which I wouldn't have been able to, and then saw Solo last night on student night (Husband and I free, son was $6) So even if it's just for those two movies, imho, I would try it. I think.... I have a thing that gets you the month for free, lemme check.
@auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Due to lack of car, it costs me $30 just to get to/from the theater.
Holy shit. Even if I UberX to the furthest cinema in Toronto it won't be $15 each way.
@arkandel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Due to lack of car, it costs me $30 just to get to/from the theater.
Holy shit. Even if I UberX to the furthest cinema in Toronto it won't be $15 each way.
I pay $15 to work every day, then $6 for the last leg home.
This new position with work really needs to kick in fully soon because it's the only way I'll be able to save up for a car.
@auspice I don't mind offering a ride every once in a while, if you want to save a little money. Any excuse to drive.
@admiral said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@auspice I don't mind offering a ride every once in a while, if you want to save a little money. Any excuse to drive.
tbh I've thought about asking, but I'd feel weird just asking for a ride to work. Driving downtown isn't going to let you really enjoy your car.
@auspice I drive downtown four days a week. It's really no big deal to me.
Slept badly on my bad shoulder the other day. I think I pinched a nerve.
Only way I slept last night was with an oxy (last one I have. :(.) and ambien.
And it's too close to payday to afford the lyft ride to an urgent care plus copay.
Just hoping the mix of heat, ice, and stretching exercises helps eventually.
@auspice do you have no friends with vehicles that could give you a ride?
@magee101 said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@auspice do you have no friends with vehicles that could give you a ride?
I moved to where I am sight unseen. And I've been so busy with work + school (never mind the difficulties of not having a car) that I know just a couple of people outside of my coworkers.
One of said people also doesn't drive. The others' days off are on days I do work.
@auspice ah well. Be nice to your shoulder. Dont overstress it with too much stretching you could over aggravate it. Icyhot, get yah some cold shizz, wait til the area is numb then warm it back up and massage
A bedroom community of our city does an Avenue of Flags deal. Really cool. There's routes, you set up flags in front of people's homes. Scouts (Our son is one and we heavily volunteer) gets paid to go do these flags, to help offset camping costs.
I hate memorial weekend. Because almost every single fucking flag hole is buried under people's new grass. Or they fucked over the post it goes into and the pipe is bent, or the white cap is shattered, or they just laid down god knows what and my hands are covered in chemicals, or some veteran is parked on his lawn and yelling that we didn't get there before 7 am to put in his flag and that's a disgrace (This one guy!). We're veteran's ourselves. We get out, we locate the cap, we put the flag in, my son salutes and we go to the next address. We are a tiny little sedan with fifty flags (These poles are loooooong and they reccomend vans/trucks but always are short one route and we take it with our sedan).
I swear to god, I'm telling them to remove us from route 3. I won't abide being yelled at by that asshole.
@jibberthehut Your flag asshole reminds me of a horrid wretch of a neighbor we had a handful of years ago. (They moved a few years ago, I hope you didn't inherit them.)
My house is on a corner. This means it's automatically nominated as the school bus stop. For nearly twenty years we've been patient as hell with this, despite no small amount of property damage over the years.
I worked through the night and would sleep around 6am, and often had to be back up by 10am at the time. (If I am very lucky I could snag a 2 hour nap somewhere else during the day, but working from home gets much less flexible when you're working with people all over the dang planet with much less flexible hours due to kids or a second job.)
For two weeks, the 'fun new game while waiting for the bus' -- approximately 7-7:30am -- was 'scream tag'. As in, run all over my property, and if someone touches you, scream like you are being murdered. Right under the bedroom window. I already sleep in earplugs, people, and if something wakes me up, I'm up, because apparently life hates me.
We are evolutionarily fucking hard-wired to respond to the sound of a child's scream; it's part of our survival instinct sampler pack. (A vulnerable member of the tribe is in danger! Fetch your spear, and murder the hungry bear!) This was consistently loud enough to wake my folks in the next house down, also. Our houses are brick and stone and there's plenty of space between everything. We are not talking flimsy drywall or townhouses here.
After two weeks waking up in a dead panic because it sounded like people were murdering children on my lawn, I called my mother to please mention the noise to the mothers outside watching over this escapade as she was heading out to work (and driving right by there) while I got dressed and tried to not look like some extra from The Walking Dead.
My mother may be the person who taught me snark and how to swear, but when it comes to 'anyone outside the family', she is one of the most horrifyingly timid and polite human beings to walk the earth. There is no way she reasonably caused the frenzy of screaming and threats and accusations that blasted through my door when I finally got dressed and got down to it. (Every ridiculous thing from 'your work schedule is unacceptable' to 'I will call the cops on you for making observations of my children without my permission' because apparently waking up to the sound of a scream and rolling over with a pillow on top of your head for two weeks without so much as glancing out the window is stalking someone's children, and all manner of over the top insanity.)
I didn't hesitate. I sent an email to the school district the moment I got back into the house. They apparently confirmed the 'scream tag' game with the bus driver, and hostile behaviors from two of the parents had been mentioned previously, and the district called me within two hours. The neighbors all had a phone call by the end of the day that the bus stop would be moving up over a block (to one of their yards).
Amazing how that shit was never tolerated on their own property.
Needless to say, if there's someone you can mention this issue to, it may help.
@surreality some of your stories remind me of an old friend of mine.
@surreality Oh, I hands down mentioned it. These flags are requested by property owners, and I think they do pay for them? Something like that. But we had to inform about the broken support, and then I noted that the guy at <insert address here> was being verbally a challenge and rude. They told us thanks and that's it. The guy wasn't out waiting for us to pick up the flag though. Thank god. We like that route. Perfect amount of houses, perfect alignment of roads then straight down the road home. We've been doing this for three years now. I do not like getting my ass up at 5 to cook breakfast for the family, make sure the shirt is pressed, and everything perfect to haul ass out for 6:30 and run around on my knee's, poking around for sunken pole holders (oh my god this sounds pervy) in someone's green grass. But I do it. Because it's service hours, it's a way to give back, it's good for the soul and it's a way for my son to keep going to scouts when we can't afford it, and pay for him to join his friends at camp (Because we can't afford it. There's a theme). 100 bucks to sleep in a mine? 75 bucks to travel and sleep on a submarine/some sort of boat. That shit costs money but everyone goes so, we get up and get er done. So one down, 5 more mornings/evenings to go. Worth it.
And yes! the gd damned SCREAMERS! There's one a block over at 7 am who pulls that shit till I went up one morning and said knock it off before I go knock on his door. His mom came down the next morning to rip us a new one, till I told her what her son does.
There has been noooo more screaming.