Ninjas never get the recognition they deserve.
Miami, Blood in the Water
This post is deleted! -
I wanna be a ninja.
@golgoth It's not that fun being a ninja on a WoD game. Trust me. I've done it.
Ninjas never get the recognition they deserve.
@carex They also never get the real chance to ninja that they deserve, either, because mostly, there's just no use for that in a space where PVP is treated like the ultimate taboo.
Full Disclaimer: I'm not a PVP/PK hound by any stretch of the meaning. I prefer cooperative storytelling in all things. I do like antagonism and conflict, though, but only maintained by a friendly OOC atmosphere of cooperation, transparency and trust.
- in the sky?
Hey, @Sonder, I really like the effort you put in supporting your games. That is really hard and despite mistakes, you have done a better job than anyone I've seen.
That being said, I think this announcement is sort of a mistake. It feels like you are playing catchup with the San Francisco game, and is rushing out THE R3EACH: MIAMI EDITION. That game probably needs some time to develop so it can be its own thing, and compete with San Francisco on quality and direction, and not launching dates.
I have seen your ad for Fallcoast (the one made by the chamber of commerce, I think) and that had a lot of energy and vision behind it. I don't feel like this is it, and I know for sure you can do better! Relax, you know your shit.
Wish all the luck!
I won't be able to log into fallcoast until tonight but looking forward to more info!
@shelbeast Ninja do not just stab and kill. They spy, too!
Edit: I've played a ninja in WoD, too. Had lots of fun with it. I also didn't always emphasize the need for me to "act like a ninja" all the time in the kill stab kill sense. I did a lot of information gathering, a lot of setting people against each other, maybe a bit of sabotage here and there... Killing was pretty rare for me and only once was it a PvP situation... And we gave those two dudes IC and OOC chances to escape, but they agreed that it was way cooler to go out the way they did.
Sorry for the run-on.
Easy solution: What makes Blood different from the other game?
Answer that and players will know which they want to choose. -
@carex said in Miami, Blood in the Water:
What makes Blood different from the other game?
One is open right now, the other isn't, and Fallcoast has hemorrhaged its playerbase.
I have to say @SunnyJ's post seems pretty spot on. This feels like a "Fallcoast's who list dropped to 30 and another 'generic multisphere WoD' game opened, panic!!!!" kind of move.
Like...log into Fallcoast to discuss "code ideas"???
Who are we kidding here. The R3ACH's code is going to be the exact same as FC's.
What is the address for the game that is open now?
Is it the same basic theme? Rules and so forth? -
@carex Shouldn't this be evident? What is this the solution for?
What I meant by my post is that I feel that rushing a game because FC seems to be on the downside and a newgame is on the upswing is not how @Sonder was successful, from what I have ever seen of her games. She has been reliable and a unifying force behind the curtains on Reach and Fallcoast, which is way easier said than done.
Take time to develop your game and do not rush it. This might be the first time Reach has had a real competition, but use that as a motivator to make your game better, not faster, as a reason to to shoot yourself on the foot.
I agree. Quality wins every time because it attracts players and keeps them there. -
@tempest said in Miami, Blood in the Water:
I have to say @SunnyJ's post seems pretty spot on. This feels like a "Fallcoast's who list dropped to 30 and another 'generic multisphere WoD' game opened, panic!!!!" kind of move.
Like...log into Fallcoast to discuss "code ideas"???
I just want to add that I did log onto Fallcoast and I'm on the GameDev channel and I've seen absolutely nothing being discussed today.
@sunnyj said in Miami, Blood in the Water:
because FC seems to be on the downside
FC's latest and biggest down-swing is because of the talk about this new game.
Make it first, then advertise. Sheesh.