That sounds really cool. Currently, I personally run into situations where I feel like 'Ugh I don't want to dogpile on this guy but this actually is a huge IC deal, I guess I'll just RP my character internalizing a loss of respect for society being tralala about it.' Which is appropriate in a lot of cases, there's no shortage of hypocrisy in the world, but I love the idea of non-mob IC impacts that are subject to staff review.
@Arx: Anonymous Messengers (Answered)
That sounds really cool. Currently, I personally run into situations where I feel like 'Ugh I don't want to dogpile on this guy but this actually is a huge IC deal, I guess I'll just RP my character internalizing a loss of respect for society being tralala about it.' Which is appropriate in a lot of cases, there's no shortage of hypocrisy in the world, but I love the idea of non-mob IC impacts that are subject to staff review. -
@three-eyed-crow What I really want to avoid is, 'Someone didn't invite me and a friend to a party and I feel slighted'. While that's generally what players get worked up about, it's just not what the NPCs would care much about. Except maybe the Salon or something. Maybe Petty Social Slights That Should Get A Champion will be one of their core principles. But probably not.
For actual condemns, the only time I might bring it back is in an extremely narrow scope. I was considering opt in rivalries, which both players would have to voluntarily opt into, and then they could use condemns on one another, and only them (not their friends or the like). The lost prestige would go to a pool that is then in a ranking systems of Biggest Beefs of Arx or Top Rivalries or whatever, contributing to a current and lifetime total, and if they then settle their beef in a big dramatic twitter esqe mountainous molehill, they can try to flip the negative lost prestige into a positive, in self-indulgent and self-congratulatory celebrity fashion.
@apos I vaguely remember a zillion years ago Talen and Valkieri basically having a mutual hate-on that was hilarious, so I'm vaguely optimistic about the idea of opt-in condemns and finding someone to haterade with amiably BUT WHO.
@saosmash I'll fight you.
@saosmash Oh my God I would have rivalry-ed the fuck out of Talen, GET OVER HERE @Wyrdathru
@scar No, I'm scared.
On one game, once upon a time, a friend of mine and I decided our characters should hate each other, so we started to blast each other publicly every chance we could. It got to the point where we were writing the stuff for each other (i.e. me blasting my own character, and him his).
Then we had some one-on-one actual in-depth character scenes and the characters realized they were really similar and had similar goals.
So the OOC process of my writing bad stuff for his character to say became MY CHARACTER writing bad stuff for his character to say, and vice-versa, and it was just the best.
@coin I've heard the best way to write about a hero is to first understand and write about their nemesis.
@saosmash You know how rich ladies on tv shows always hug each other with their eyes wide open right before ruining one another's galas? That's what I'm doing to you right now.
@coin said in @Arx: Anonymous Messengers (Answered):
So the OOC process of my writing bad stuff for his character to say became MY CHARACTER writing bad stuff for his character to say, and vice-versa, and it was just the best.
(The absolute best kind of RP: Playing together instead of against one another.)
@scar said in @Arx: Anonymous Messengers (Answered):
@saosmash You know how rich ladies on tv shows always hug each other with their eyes wide open right before ruining one another's galas? That's what I'm doing to you right now.
You're seriously just going to destroy me. This is like a battle of wits with the unarmed!!
@saosmash said in @Arx: Anonymous Messengers (Answered):
@scar said in @Arx: Anonymous Messengers (Answered):
@saosmash You know how rich ladies on tv shows always hug each other with their eyes wide open right before ruining one another's galas? That's what I'm doing to you right now.
You're seriously just going to destroy me. This is like a battle of wits with the unarmed!!
I'll stand champion for you. >:|
@coin Back in the days of Everquest (I played on an RP server), a friend of mine and I did this as a flame war on our server's EZBoard (aaaahahahahaaha) that turned into 30+ pages of how I was REALLY A MAN AND JUST PRETENDING TO BE A WOMAN ON THE INTERNETZ.
He used to call me as he'd write his latest flame of me and we'd laugh about it.Oh, the good ol' days.