Aug 6, 2018, 11:56 PM

@ixokai said in Horror MUX:

@bear_necessities said in Horror MUX:

I read in this thread I think that this isn't a good game for a casual player. I have been wanting to check it out but I have about 2 or 3 hours an evening to devote on work nights. Is that enough time or should I just avoid?

It depends on casual; 2-3 hours an evening seems okay? Its if you can only play like once a week or once every other week where it likely will totally sweep past you.

Precisely this. When we've said casual, we mean the sorts who can only stop in about once a week or less. Or the people who tend to just sit idle OOC and might RP once in a blue moon.

If you can be around a couple hours a night to RP? You'll be just fine! And if you can RP more on weekends? Totally all right. 🙂