There was no winking and nudging involved.
@thenomain said in RL Anger:
Well it's more than that.
You and others did jump to defend a game with little more than a "nuh-uh", which is already a huge peeve of mine, but you're far from the only person involved in that thread who did that, far from the only person involved in day-to-day life who does that, far from the only person involved in (many) Federal Governments who does that.
This is a stupid way to communicate. It's hate-based segregation, making fun of things you don't like.
And if this isn't you? Then it isn't you. I honestly don't care who it isn't, I care about who it is. It makes my blood boil when people get away with it because they are glib, or because they are charismatic.
There are people who use it as a tool, but like all tools knowing its use gives you more latitude with it. Not knowing how to use it is no excuse to hurt people.
I really, really hate people who hurt others on purpose just because they don't care about them.
And that's the name of this thread.