Nov 1, 2018, 2:45 AM

@arkandel said in How old are MU* players?:

I'm pleased to see a wider demographic of younger folks than I expected. Not sure how newbies get into MUSHing these days but somehow it's happening.

Someone randomly recommended Arx to me after I quit an absolute disaster of a Neverwinter Nights RP server. But generally speaking, I'd done MUDs before (mostly Achaea), as well as forum RP. And Arx seems a bit more MUDdy than most MUSHes, thanks to the absurd coding powers who work there, so it was an easy transition.

(28 years old, for reference. So not really young by any standard, but younger than you decrepit antediluvians)

@tinuviel said in How old are MU* players?:

@arkandel More importantly, who brought them here?

Bad luck and worse choices.