Nov 8, 2018, 4:12 AM

@admiral I don't disagree with you at all about this.

I really don't want to know these kinds of things about the people I play with -- barring someone giving me a heads-up re: 'that person is a well-known creeper, be careful'.

I am especially not ever wanting to know about someone's RL dramas or traumas unless a friend needs me for a sounding board, about their own issue. I feel quite uncomfortable when hearing these things about third parties, and I do have massive regrets re: not telling anyone who has disclosed these kinds of things to me to stop. I should have, it was wrong of me to not do that, and I'm preparing a 'please stop right there, this is not my business and I don't want to hear this' monologue or macro or something in case it should ever come up again.