Jonah's Playlist
Ok... So I'll give this a shot. I know this is probably my first post here, but its mostly because I haven't had much to say and frankly I'm still a bit concerned about having my head taken off. I've been a right prick in the past and I'm sure that if I'm remembered at all, it's probably not for a good reason, but hey... I'll take my lumps. I've been a part of the community since 1992, though there have been times in between where I hadn't done much of anything. I'll put characters in the list if I remember them, if not I'll just list the games. I'm sure that there are some that I'll forget totally. This 43-year-old swiss cheese brain is sure to loose things as I go. I'll try to go chronologically.
TOS and TNG Trekmuse - Atreides
RobotechMUSH? Some Robotech game from the early 90's - Atreides (see a theme here?)
DuneMUSH - Shishakli
Star Wars MU* (The first one) - Woods
The Damned/Dark Gift
Babylon 5 BDaL
Brave and the Bold - Jared Harris, Victor Stone
DuneIII - Mintor Atreides
Mutant High - Jonah (Phong)
Anomaly TrekMUX - Crayn
Mystick Krewe - Donny Winters
Devilshire - Donny Winters
Lantern Hill (and it's other incarnations under a few different names) - Donny Winters
HeroesMUSH - Morgana and various alts through the different inceptions.
Wicked Things/Dark Things - Elliot
WItchcraft & Wizardry - Nymera, Marius, Victoria
Covenant of the Slayer
Age Of Heroes MUX - Fairchild, Hawkgirl, Kate Bishop, Blink
STF - I played a roster character for, like, 1 scene. Random coffee shop fare. I forgot their name.
Marvel 1963 - Stature, Roulette.. possibly others.
Battlestar Orion - I was a marine...
Kushiel's Debut
Brave New World - Kate Bishop, Jesse Quick, Mary Marvel, Kitty Pryde, (Heliotrope)
CoMux - Oliver Queen
Arx - Briseis, AmanthaCurrent:
Calaveras - Kris, Marcus, Alex
Sometimes A Great Notion - Hyland(Staff alts in parentheses)
I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of others. Wikidot is down right now so I can't check my profile. I've been away from the hobby for a bit over a year now. I'm getting the itch to dive back in. I'm not sure though. Thanks for the time.
@jonah42175 I wish you could remember who you were on BNW. I was Dick Grayson on there, along with some other alts from less mainstream lines.
I wanna say Kate Bishop, because I played her at various times on many superhero games, but I can't remember for sure.
@jonah42175 If you were Kate, I don't think we ever played together. Shame. I'd say if you're looking at getting back in, come check out CoMux. I'm on there now with a few alts, and it seems like there are some real great players on there. There is, frankly, some level of cliqueishness that I'm seeing, but it isn't the worst I've seen by far. And I could always use new people to play with.
Updated due to remembering more/finding digital evidence.
Only games we both played on were Devilshire (Jack Moore, Sidney Neville, Seth Devlin) and Kushiel's Debut (Voltaire... Marquis d'Something I Can't Remember).
I remember Seth, et al. I don’t think our rp circles met too often though.
Everyone changes, dude.
Example: I was Ulricke at DuneMUSH III.
@cupcake Hey, we had our fun there.
I also remember Lola from MK.
Edited to add current games.
@jonah42175 Hi sis!
Updated for alt-itis
OMG TNG TrekMUSE! My first MU*. I don't think we knew each other (I was Random) but I'm just jazzed to see someone else who was there.
@ninjakitten It was my first game as well, back around September of 1992. Unfortunately I don’t remember most of my time there due to being an ultra clueless infantile newbie. Like.... I didn’t even know what “newbie” meant. And I remember asking where the term ‘mav’ came from. The one thing I remember the most was the plant that ate you and spit you out when you logged in for the first time in order to teach you how to set @locks and no_command.
@jonah42175 Ah, the Large Newbie-Eating Plant. I loved that thing. I made a Large Newbie-Eating Mokole in its honour on another game a good few years later. At this point most of my memories of the place are vague too, and I didn't log back then, but hey, I can still be nostalgic!
Updated, etc.