@kanye-qwest said in Constructive (keyword) Criticism of Arx Systems:
So we could. We tried that. And yet we still heard all the time that it was happening, and the people who DID want fashion felt bad enough that they might be keeping someone from getting THE BEST ARMOR to help the House that they wouldn't even ask, or - and this is the worst part - it was just accepted as the Way Things Were and that's the culture that was spread where staff wasn't aware of it.
Which is why the goal is—as I noted earlier—to make all the player archetypes have a potential use to the other archetypes so that this sort of blocking doesn't happen, because there's always a benefit to facilitating other people's RP.
So we want things for combat characters to do, and we have some; Champions can duel, and people can spar, and combat will be important in Shardhavens, and combat can sometimes be fairly important in GM'd scenes that turn to conflict. Non-combat people have reasons to seek out combat characters, and their families have reason to fund their gear and training.
And we want things for crafters to do. We have some, yes, but we want the things they make—not just weapons, but all the crafted goods—to have relevance to the game world. Which is one reason modeling is actually a potentially important system. When the crafted goods are useful, non-crafters have reasons to seek out crafters.
We want things for mental characters to do, so we have the investigation system, helping to solve puzzles in Shardhavens, and such. So people have reasons to seek out mental characters, good investigators, and to help facilitate their RP avenues. This is one we could possibly add a few more hooks for, but the investigation system is a pretty important avenue; it still gives a good reason for non-mental characters to seek out good investigators.
We want things for social characters to do... and right now, this is one of the places where things fall down. Without value to the prestige system, there's little reason for the non-social characters to seek out socially-focused characters, or to facilitate their RP avenues by giving them money for clothing and jewelry, or to host events, etc. Hence why prestige tied into other systems.