Jan 25, 2019, 11:38 PM

The issue I take with some of the noted 'cutesy' people is that... they don't have any compulsion. They aren't negatively impacted in any way.

It's just someone who likes to have their bathroom color coordinated. It's just someone who enjoys a bookshelf organized by authors. It's just someone who happens to ... also really like attention and has found that the 'hee I'm so OCD!' nets them that attention. I mean, a lot of people like those things! They just have that added 'I want attention from this' component.

So for those of us that aren't those 'some people' and have a legitimate disorder (because OCD goes way beyond 'likes to be organized' and some people with OCD aren't organized whatsoever because their compulsions manifest differently), it's a problem.

People who pull the cutesy shit and do things like that or call their mood swings 'bipolar' or treat any other number of mental health issues as what is, essentially, a joke just for attention... are hurting those who have actual mental health issues. Because it's almost a mockery for us, because it pulls attention to them. Remember: a lot of people who do have mental health issues tend to hide and to put people who are making a mockery of things in the limelight makes the rest of us look bad because look at the kind of people who are getting that attention. πŸ˜•

Someone who is negatively impacted in some way... probably isn't out there giggling about it in the fashion I'm referencing (the 'hehe look at me being such a dork/airhead/so fun'). Which is why I'm disinclined to believe those that do.