WoW Classic
Am curious as to if anyone will be playing this? Am looking for friends from my various online hangouts to play with and maybe make a guild with.
I am considering it. I miss the old WoW.
(sorrynotsorry for being off topic)
If anyone's looking for a tank or healer for mythic+ in normal WoW I'm game for regular groupmates.
On one hand I am pretty tempted to revisit those glory days.
On the other, I'm not sure it would really actually be fun another time around. Who has time for the grinding, the raids, etc. Is getting 40 people together and focused for 4+ hours even possible these days? Also, for me, classic wasn't really the height of WoW. The early expansions were great, opened up the world a lot and filled in key lore, and most importantly did a lot to make every class spec playable. One of the core 'classic' experiences is getting yelled at by your guild for being the wrong spec.
Same. I've been missing it for so long. Am glad they finally pulled their heads out of their butts and decided to make this a thing.
I'll only excuse you being off topic if you play WoW Classic and join my guild.
Also, would help with mythic+ stuff, but am not that good at the game, plus my computer doesn't currently run WoW.
I think it's the nostalgia thing that's the big draw for a lot of people. But I get what you're saying.
@TiredEwok Oh for sure. In all honesty, its still something I might play to level a couple characters (without being faced with the overwhelming amount stuff that exists now). In some ways, doing VC again with a bunch of nooby chars (and not worrying about Heroic modes on even that) is more of a temptation than returning to the glory days of waiting for people to loot Core Hounds.
OMH, I am actually looking forward to going back when things were actually difficult in WoW. Remember when the dungeons would actually kick your ass? Now they're all pretty much a cake walk, even in the newest expansion.
I will probably be resubbing for this. My old pvp guildies keep popping up in the strangest places (how did they even get my new discord wtf) asking if I was gonna put together a team, sooooo yeah. Probably!
@TiredEwok Tbh I'm not sure that expectation will hold up for a lot of the early content? The difficultly of a lot of old wow content was in learning basic techniques and coordination. No one knew anything and it was tons of guesswork and fiddling around in an era before good wikis.
I know one of the devs actually spoke about this when they were talking about deciding to use the final patch state for itemization and bosses (instead of actually updating with their content phases): that they can't really restore the original growing experience because a lot of it was wrapped up in bugs, constant balance changes, and player learning. (Examples given were major boss bugs like those on Rag and C'thun, or people finally working out a strat for Nef's drakonids).
A bunch of young kids at work are going crazy about this “Magic the Gathering” thing. What the hell is going on in the world? Are we grasping for nostalgia so hard even people who never lived through these things are pining for it?
That had crossed my mind as well. We've learned those techniques ages ago. Back then, we were having to learn how to dodge AOEs and heal through massive damage and all that, all things we've learned by now. So maybe it won't be so difficult now. Who knows? Will be interesting to see.
I think there is a point where things like MTG and WoW Classic hit the 'what's old is new/cool again' stage. There are a lot of people who were too young to play Magic and Vanilla World of Warcraft when they first came out so they get the thrill of experiencing it for the first time now. I guess it's like how a lot of us played pogs as a kid when it was a game that had been around for a long time before the 90s. We loved it because, to us, it was new.
@Thenomain said in WoW Classic:
A bunch of young kids at work are going crazy about this “Magic the Gathering” thing. What the hell is going on in the world? Are we grasping for nostalgia so hard even people who never lived through these things are pining for it?
I think it's called 'we are getting old'. This happened with Bell Bottom pants, too.
@Sunny said in WoW Classic:
@Thenomain said in WoW Classic:
A bunch of young kids at work are going crazy about this “Magic the Gathering” thing. What the hell is going on in the world? Are we grasping for nostalgia so hard even people who never lived through these things are pining for it?
I think it's called 'we are getting old'. This happened with Bell Bottom pants, too.
@TiredEwok I just realized this, while thinking about it, but we kind of have an example of this already with rebooted Naxx.
I remember getting a case of nerves (hah) my first time raid leading it in WotLK. A college friend of mine in my guild asked me why: "You've done these dozens of times, they'll be easy now." And he was completely right. Things I remembered as being nightmares of 'how could they expect ANYONE to ever do these CrAzY mechanics?!?' (DDR, Loatheb, Thaddius, 4H) actually seemed really simple. To be fair, some of that was reduced herding-cats syndrome in smaller raids and general power creep, but the 'hard' mechanics really didn't feel that difficult.
On the other hand, Classic WoW is so far back I've forgotten nearly all of it. Something about a bomb running away?
Imagine the joys of organizing a 40 man 4 nights a week for 5 hour progression. That's what I remember of raid leading in classic
It was the same in other eras of WoW as well. Part of why I only ever raided casually and never got into doing the huge raids.
@BobGoblin said in WoW Classic:
Imagine the joys of organizing a 40 man 4 nights a week for 5 hour progression. That's what I remember of raid leading in classic
I stopped after bc doing hardcore end game
YOure just mad because you couldn't find mankriks wife
Yeah I never led a raid in the classic era, though I definitely put in the full time job-levels of hours into the whole thing that was required of even just participating. It was way more manageable with the shift to 10 and 25-mans. Which goes back to whether or not the classic thing can even work now. I'm sure we'll see some marquee guilds out to set new records, but if that will make the servers sustainable and lived-in is another matter.