Kaiju's List Updated May 2019
GarouMUSH: Francisco, Urban Primitive Glass Walker. Heart, Coggie who cried a lot. Shaozu, Silver Fang Kin Mage. I spent SO LONG on that place.Marvel 1963: Elmo, electrical mad genius mutant. Adam, Frankenstein's Monster. I'll be picking them both up on Empire State Heroes.
San Francisco Paris of the West: Jian, Arrow.
Horror: The Coward, usually known as Colorado.Updates!
Elmo and Adam are back on ESH. Monster stuff, mutant stuff, good shit.Grey Harbor: Itzhak, another cranky Jewish mechanical genius, because it's always a fun combo.
@Kaiju Also known as the salty one.
my salt brings all the boys to the yard~
Colorado was dope!
thank you! I don't know who you are, but thank you!
Miss me some Colorado!
Jian was boss.
I'm Penitent
@Livia yay! hi!
I feel the need to apologize for not being around, I'm sick af.
I miss Jian. (Jacey here.)
bump bump
I'm Scotty 2 Hotty on ESH!
@ShelBeast HEY BRO! We need some bro time! i gotta take you ascot shopping
'Rado! HM misses you!
-The Confidant.
@Goldfish don't worry, I have SO MANY EXCUSES!