@Pandora said in X-Cards:
I invite anyone with a particularly hard-line trigger (not someone that knows someone with a trigger, first-hand experience only please) that is willing to discuss it here or privately, to explain to me why it'd be better for them to leave a scene-in-progress - thereby inviting speculation or requests for explanation at that time, than to avoid the matter from the start.
First, I don't disagree with you. Not even in the smallest way.
I have one 'do not ever, ever, ever go there' trigger for RP. It's obscure, but not super obscure, and it has come up.
I mention it when it does, and say I'm going to need to work around that one: I'm posing out, or they're reposing.
It's hit or miss if I mention it on a wiki or otherwise. On Shang, when I would RP there, I had it listed. On a not-for-smut-purposes game, I may or may not, unless smut or combat comes up, in which case I will pre-advise if things seem to be going in that direction.
The hard line? Choking/strangling. No. Just no. Sorry-not-sorry, no. (Not exactly a fringe kink, but definitely more fringe outside of kink to the extent that I've never had it come up or threaten to come up in 20+ years outside of that context.)
Some reasons I am, admittedly, sometimes reluctant to plaster this everywhere:
Rarely relevant.
Fairly specific; I have never actually seen anyone else in the hobby with this as a hard limit, therefore this could be making my characters known even if I don't wish to do so. I would not list this anywhere now because of the person who chases me around, for instance, as they are aware of it.
All the motherfuckers who want to be 'an exception to prove it can be fun'. No, you jerk. NO. It is not going to be fun for me, full stop.
All the people who feel they are entitled to the explanation of why, just because they see 'I do not want this happening to my character IC, period'. Why is not a secret: someone tried to strangle me to death in my teens and almost succeeded in killing me. That is automatically not fun. Do I care who knows this? Nope. That isn't the problem. It's not a secret. You know what I don't want, though? Someone's idle fucking curiosity derailing my day by asking me 'why?' like some doe-eyed child who never planned to bring it up in RP/a scene anyway, thus calling said incident to mind uninvited no less than it would have if it came up in a scene.
People who assume it's the same as saying 'nothing bad can happen to my PC!' No, it's not. Not in the least. Stab them, behead them, explode them, turn them to stone, drop them off a cliff, shoot them, strap them to a cliff like Prometheus to have an angry bird eat their liver on the daily, whatever, just not that one thing. To others around my character? Whatevs.
So there are, actually, some reasons, and I understand them, even if I agree with the general premise here.
ETA: Obviously, there are also the shitlords who will see that and go out of their way to incorporate it in play, and attempt to force it into play repeatedly, to get their jollies by upsetting someone RL. The answer re: dealing with that sort is painfully obvious, however: if staff won't ban for that kind of RL-targeted aggro behavior, get the fuck off that game and burn the world setting in your client like a bridge to ne'er deign cross again.