The Esports thread
Unrelated to TI9, Midas Mode 2 starts tomorrow at 10 AM MDT and continues until October 2nd. Survival guide here and official site here. Midas Mode is an unofficial invitational tournament taking place on a custom map with custom rules. Watch this video if you're interested, it's a better explanation than I can offer.
It's a really, REALLY silly tournament and a lot of fun. It is basically a walking meme, they opened up all heroes, items and map features for purchase; if you bought something, they made a skin or custom effect for it that will be used in game.
For example, if anyone picks Io:
Yes, that's Ana. Also Shrek.
Watching position one wisp steamroll the international made me so very, very happy. He's always been my favorite support, and I blew quite a bit of money on the battle pass ages ago in order to get his arcana.
For non dota players, this is his arcana:
And this is what happens when you get a kill with it:
Overwatch League grand finals (SF Shock vs. Vancouver Titans) are starting shortly, for any unaware and curious.
League of Legends:
Invictus Gaming just made 2 memes in one twitter post.
@Livia Sadly, they stole that from another player's twitter feed. I don't remember who at the moment.