I am keeping a copy in my PDF library for historical sake.
WHAT I FIND MOST INTERESTING about this feast of legends book isnt the book itself, but I am dying to know the story of how it came to be.
- Did Wendy's make a deal with WotC?
- Did some marketing guy have a D&D game, make this up, then pitch it? (I want a youtube video of that pitch)
- Did some 3rd party DnD5 enthusiast make it then pitch it to Wendy's?
Sounds like there might be a cool story in there.
Some of the art in there looks similar to currently existing DnD book art. LAME that there is no credits page in this PDF (which is what I consider cringey, because the gaming community supports itself and that stuff is important), which means I cant really hunt down if currently existing RPG artists/designers actually worked on it.