Oct 16, 2019, 2:23 AM

...and 4.00.289!

  • Added /ping command to measure time from command send to server response (useful to measure network latency and server perf)

  • Added 'Test Text' field in the triggers dialog to allow easy testing of what the Matcharoo will match on (with regex variable hilighting too!)
    image of test text field and highlighting
    (And if you hit the Regex 101 button, it should transfer your matcharoo and test text to the Regex 101 site so you can do more intense testing if you like.)

  • Added File->'Load backup configuration...' to load the last backup configuration made (backup configs are made each time the app is updated)

  • Added 'History Window - Toggle' to keyboard shortcuts

  • Added 'Imaging Window - Toggle' to keyboard shortcuts

  • Fixed extra 100ms network send/receive latency issue on the store version (not sure when this started, but it's gone now)

There's no patreon or similar at present, but since it's been brought up several times, he's currently thinking it over. Meanwhile one could use the store version to give encouraging numbers, or drop by the Discord and say thank you! The github version is, of course, here.