@Darren Gods, this. Codeine and its variants always... nngh. Synthetics? Headache city on top of that.
Plain morphine? Yeah, that works without angst.
@hedgehog said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
How conducive /receptive is your boss to being requested to give a goddamn concrete answer since you now have this housing hunt hanging over your head? Because maybe doesn't work for rental applications.
At least that would be something solid to work with, and know, rather than it just hanging there in the vapor.
Are you in an area where you can do short term corporate-type housing while securing a lease? It's not ideal, but I've stayed in Residence Inns that were nicer than the first apartment I had with my then-boyfriend after we had to leave the glorious three-bedroom flat in a two-flat that we were sharing with other people. At least they take pets, if that is a concern. Likewise the TownePlace brand.
Alternately, do you want to move altogether? Can you talk to your landlord about a month-to-month lease? Or an extension of some sort? Unless you already have, and it's a non-starter.
I don't think/know that it's entirely up to her. Like, I think it's more a 'she makes the recommendation and then it comes down the line' sort of deal. I can ask, but I also dropped a few balls recently so I feel it's a bad time to ask.
(thanks for that, ADHD. thanks a lot.)
I don't wanna say 'hey can you extend my contract' when I've been underperforming (not terribly, but still) vs. exceeding.
As for the rest: I dunno that I would wanna do short-term. They're expensive and that'd hurt for affording a place. I'd barely scrape by as it is rn.
And.... I COULD extend month-to-month. My complex keeps begging me to stay. But they are a shiiiiiiiithole and I've been wanting out all year. And month-to-month would increase my rent by $200/mo.
How shitty a shithole? Would it be better or worse for your mental health to pay an increase in rent for a couple of months so that you don't have to try and move in winter, plus have first month's rent and security deposit and all that sorted, as well as transferring utilities?
I don't want you to stay in a place you absolutely hate any longer than you have to, but I also don't want you going into crisis trying to make it all work in six weeks.
I have two auto immune diseases that cause pain.
No. I will never 'get better'. If I'm lucky, there will be a day I find the right combination of things to make it manageable. Right now, if I'm in so much pain I take something to knock me out... just tell me it's okay if I don't come RP. Please.
I don't want to hear about Yoga, or CBD oil (Which I was using, and was helping, until I could no longer afford it), or this miracle snake oil, or diet or... whatever.
Please. Just understand. That's all I ask for.
I'm there with you, combined with the unfortunate biological effects of being a Gen X woman, if you get my drift. I also know the guilts from not RPing 'enough'. There's literally zero reason we should have them, since it's a HOBBY and not our fucking job(s). Other peoples' happiness are not our responsibility. It is more than okay if you don't RP.
@Macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I don't want to hear about Yoga, or CBD oil (Which I was using, and was helping, until I could no longer afford it), or this miracle snake oil, or diet or... whatever.
I will admit, this was like, 20% of the reason I quit Facebook. I'd have people message me with the 'Oh I know you have fibro and I wanted to tell you that my sister's friend's aunt's boyfriend's sister with fibro went on a gluten free diet and it cured her fibro so you should totally do it!'
And ofc if you tell them no you're a terrible evil unappreciative person who is then subject to an hour of guilt-tripping for not listening to their advice.
Let me take care of myself and do what I need to do for my own body kthx.
Yeah...gluten free/keto devotees have no answer for when I respond with 'I have no thyroid and therefore cannot NOT eat carbohydrates'. Nor did the Lamaze woman when I asked her how controlled panting was going to help deal with my hypermobile hips and joints better than an epidural.
You know what helps my fibro? Weed. Kratom. Actual opioids when and if I ever obtain them.
@hedgehog said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
You know what helps my fibro? Weed. Kratom. Actual opioids when and if I ever obtain them.
I partake of weed (I'd say 'smoke' except I prefer edibles and the like when I can get them) because of what it does for the pain.
Opioids sadly don't even help me much thanks to genetics (I've got that thing where I'm highly resistant to them). I am desperate for full legalization.
@Auspice I too, am a fan of weed. IT helps a lot, just a couple hits will dull everything down and I can relax. I never tried Kratom.
As for opioids, The synthetic ones don't work. After surgeries, I've been given Dilaudid, Vicodin, Oxycontin, Hydrocodone.. and the only thing that happened were averse affects. The only one that works for me? Morphine.
And you can guess what my chances of getting a prescription for THAT is.
Dilaudid is the only one where I've ever had that 'oh so this is what it's like to be drugged' feeling.
The others (vicodin, hydrocodone, etc.) dull the pain some, but that's it.
Morphine is a bad time for me. I hate it.
And the -caines (licodaine, novocaine, etc) might as well be nothing.
I hate being broken, I swear.
@Auspice Dilaudid left in screaming agony, clinging the sides of my hospital bed, and occasionally scratching at my arms in reaction.
I had told the surgeon and his team beforehand I had reactions to synthetics, and morphine was the best bet. It took them 3 days to switch me off Dilaudid.
@Auspice They gave me a self-dosing fentanyl IV when I was in the hospital.
It was awesome stuff.
They gave me morphine when I was in the hospital for a subarachnoid hemorrhage. I went from screaming in agony to feeling nothing within seconds. After the second day they gave me Oxycodone and Fiorcet, which took away most of the pain but left me feeling lethargic and drugged. I disliked it so much that I finally begged them to stop the Oxycodone. I would rather deal with a little pain than spend my entire day feeling stoned (not in the good way) and useless.
@Darren Gods, this. Codeine and its variants always... nngh. Synthetics? Headache city on top of that.
Plain morphine? Yeah, that works without angst.
I wish I understood morphine.
Any time I've ever been given it, I just feel like I'm on fire.
'Oh but that's how it feels' people tell me.
Really? really?
if that's how it feels why does anyone take it.
Because spending a few hours just feeling like my body is burning from the inside out does not really seem like it's the purpose of a pain killer
@Sunny said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Omg I think I am going to die. My face started itching yesterday. Bad. I survived. Today, my face, my hands, and the INSIDE OF ONE OF MY EARS. It pretty clearly seems to be an allergic reaction of some sort, but I haven't gotten into anything that I know of. ITCH.
It can also be stress shingles. My mom gets those.
I don't get that at all. There was a mild flare of 'oof' like that when they were injecting it into a picc line, but that lasted five seconds tops, and we are talking about something that drops about an inch or so from my heart.
I just fall asleep, or lay there zen as can be.
@Auspice said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I wish I understood morphine.
Any time I've ever been given it, I just feel like I'm on fire.'Oh but that's how it feels' people tell me.
Really? really?
if that's how it feels why does anyone take it.Because spending a few hours just feeling like my body is burning from the inside out does not really seem like it's the purpose of a pain killer
It's supposed to burn for a few seconds going in. Not, like, all the time. That is definitely something that is not supposed to be happening.
@Derp said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@Sunny said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Omg I think I am going to die. My face started itching yesterday. Bad. I survived. Today, my face, my hands, and the INSIDE OF ONE OF MY EARS. It pretty clearly seems to be an allergic reaction of some sort, but I haven't gotten into anything that I know of. ITCH.
It can also be stress shingles. My mom gets those.
That's definitely something to look into if it happens again. I ended up going to Urgent Care (aunties being aunties and I do work for a tribe) and the doctor said it was an allergy attack from something I ingested, though. I am ALMOST itch-free now between the medication and the time. -.-
@Derp said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@Auspice said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I wish I understood morphine.
Any time I've ever been given it, I just feel like I'm on fire.'Oh but that's how it feels' people tell me.
Really? really?
if that's how it feels why does anyone take it.Because spending a few hours just feeling like my body is burning from the inside out does not really seem like it's the purpose of a pain killer
It's supposed to burn for a few seconds going in. Not, like, all the time. That is definitely something that is not supposed to be happening.
Yeah it burns at first and then it (the burning) spreads throughout my whole body and just does... not... stop.
It's why I refuse to get morphine anymore. Because I never get any pain relief.
I don't remember any sensation of warmth when they gave me morphine but a CT scan with contrast? That crap they inject you with burns all the way in and keeps on burning >.<