There will be a cat.
A slonky blue-grey boy that's a year and a week old with greenish eyes. A little standoffish and but if you keep your hands to yourself and let him approach first - he warms up quickly.
We're waiting until after Christmas to have a week sleepover with him. He's currently named Smokey - but I'm looking to change that to another two syllable name a bit more suitable.
Name suggestions welcome.
@moth Mando. From the Mandalorian.
@moth He is adorable. The all blue-grey kitties are beyond gorgeous. Having a cat is a good thing, and the mellow 'come to you' sort of cats are the very best.
It's also a great age; they know how to cat already, for the most part, so a lot of the kitten issues aren't things you'll need to worry about, and you'll get a good idea of their actual personality right off the bat.
I would try to offer name suggestions, but, uh. My current cats are Tesla "Disney Princess of Cats" McDaintysnoot and Tama "Snow Weasel" Gothsbane McDaintysnoot, which means I should probably not be allowed to suggest kitty names to others.
This is Melia, the orphaned baby elephant that my husband started sponsoring for me at a rehabilitation nursery during our first Christmas together. This year, he sponsored a new elephant for me, a little girl named Mteteo who is about three years old.
Why the new elephant after eleven years, you might ask?
Because Melia is all grown up and now considered an 'ex-orphan' living wild at Tsavo National Park in Kenya, a fact which I discovered when logging in to look at the photos of my new 'adoptee'. She apparently likes to stop by with her herd every few months, to snuggle with and comfort the new orphans being raised there.
I'm not crying. You're crying.
This regal girl is CJ.! I picked her up a week and a half ago and she's kept me far busier than I predicted!
Talents include:
- Being calm in her crate
- Chewing on things
- Stealing treats
- 'Sit' and 'Down'
Still working on:
- Going down stairs
- Walking in a straight line
- Not getting tangled in her leash
- Remembering that not everyone loves the rain as much as she does.
@Lisse24 I so want to kiss the snoot.
My poor boy cat is traumatized.
Since I adopted him (Sept 2017), he has never left the apartment. He's never wanted to. You could leave the door wide open and he wouldn't go near it.
He cried walking to the car. He cried walking to the new place. In the car he was fine.
He stayed in his carrier (door open) for hours before venturing out to get pets when I laid down for a bit.
The girl cat on the other hand? She complained while she was in her carrier, but otherwise is just happy to be with me. I ate pizza with her sprawled happily on the floor next to me. But she's been on a cross country flight and moved from Seattle to Austin with me. She's a trooper.
making my bed was the solution for boycat.
He's been happily flopping around on it all evening. Guess the OTHER familiar smells of all my STUFF wasn't enough. He needed the bed.
@JinShei HAHAHAHA. Good luck with that. I wake up to Logan in my face all the time.
@Auspice It's weird. Logan freaks out when furniture moves, when the bed isn't in place. Once it gets made up and I sit on it, he starts to calm down. But when he's in the car, like he was for hours a couple times to move? He's chill. I don't get it.
I have long known that cats adopt the right people.We had a chocolate point siamese when I was a teenager who just showed up one day and followed one of my siblings in from the yard. Our father kept making us put him out at night for a week or so, assuming he had a home to go to... but he always just napped on the patio (it was summer thankfully) until we woke up and he'd come on in.
Maybe his previous family left him behind. Maybe he decided being a stray wasn't for him anymore (because holy shit that cat could HUNT). Whatever it was, he showed up one day and never left.
When I lived in NKY, I had a few strays who would regularly come to my little 'yard.'
I got my Ike because of a cat birthing her kittens (and leaving them
) under our house.
But we once had a kitten wander up onto our porch and cuddle up with anyone who sat outside. That time, I couldn't take anymore pets, but told friends someone should adopt her because she never left our yard. She'd hang out with you on the porch or go play in the grass, but she'd decided THIS IS WHERE I LIVE NOW (until we found a friend who gave her a lovely home).
Cats just know, man. They decide 'fuck this outdoor life... THESE people look great.'
@Auspice My last cat was a stray. I was on my way to get my car and drive to work one morning when she literally came out of a random bush, walked in front of me, looked up and mewled expectantly.
I was like "okay, uh, I guess I have a kitten now".
My current, and first, cat was a stray who worked himself up into the wheel well of my car as a six/seven week year old kitten. The shelters were closed for a holiday weekend, and by the time they got around to opening again, I couldn't imagine giving him up.
Now he destroys my blinds and gives me snuggles.
My current, and first, cat was a stray who worked himself up into the wheel well of my car as a six/seven week year old kitten. The shelters were closed for a holiday weekend, and by the time they got around to opening again, I couldn't imagine giving him up.
Now he destroys my blinds and gives me snuggles.
I had a job at a bowling alley for a few months once. In the middle of summer. One day I look out at the parking lot and see this little floofball of a kitten climbing up in wheel wells to get out of the sun.
Knowing how our clientele was, I had this terrifying thought of leaving work that night to find a dead cat and I could not handle that (I am that person who can handle all the violence in a movie but the instant a cat is hurt at all even off-screen, I bawl). So I got a coworker to help me catch her.
I was GONNA take her to a shelter, but my SO went from being angry at me in texts to meeting her and going THIS IS OUR CAT NOW.
She was a long-haired tuxedo, practically munchkin-cat in size, and the prissiest little princess.
As someone who has worked with animal shelters on and off for almost twenty years and has a house full of rescues/strays.....
You do not "get" a cat. Cats happen to you. It's a scientific fact.
It would not be the pre-dawn hours of morning without a proper snow weaseling in this house.
(Pics are crap 'cause work light is on and this is just from the old computer's built in camera, but whatever, it's still funny.
My pre-coffee, just-rolled-out-of-bedhead ass is blurred because I am, deal.)
That's how the weasel do. Anyone wondering why the chair is like that, well, it's survived ten years of four cats now... and they all do this. Just not often so 'I'll walk over you to turn around, k?' as Magical Princess Murderflouf does.
January 3rd, my best friend died. Every day since then I have spent at least 3 hours a day, on average, crying. Last night it was particularly bad. I couldn't sleep. My heart was thoroughly shattered like it had just happened again.
I was shattered, but I didn't want to replace her. No one/thing could. Ever. But I was left with a gaping, sucking chest wound in my heart and soul. So I said, the right dog will come along. And it'll be the right time. And the right... everything. It'll just happen.
Don't tempt fate... Because I have found fate delivers. Apparently in pairs.
Meet Boris (as in Karloff) and Bela (as in Lugosi). Both females. 12 weeks old. We pick them up at the airport tomorrow.
@nyctophiliac I am so sorry for your loss, and very happy to see the new twins!
losing a pet is hard. And for some, it will stick with you (I was in my 20s before I fully got over the loss of a cat I had as a kid). I'm glad you found two pups to adopt! Your baby would be proud.