@Staricide said in Gap between RP fantasy and RP reality:
For me, I think it's usually the conversations I'll have. I always imagine having deep and meaningful conversations where I explore my character's philosophies and morality and personality in relation to other characters, or just ones that are witty and fun.
In reality, it seems like most people are afraid to have any kind of conversation that might make their character look foolish/bad and so you end up with a lot of just, state things that have happened, talk about stuff they know, brag about things they did/have, or complain about other characters. Which are all things I find it so hard to get interested in.
I mean, this is a big one. But it's an issue I also have with conversations IRL. The second someone mentions the weather I tend to just switch off. Most people IRL don't want to talk about religion or politics, and most people IG don't want to talk about anything too deep that involves having their character pick an actual side, have an actual stance or opinion, especially if that could risk alienating their character from others who choose differently. It's a shame but I don't know if this is symptomatic of roleplaying so much as just normal socialisation.
I think one of the ways to solve this on games is to make peace with the idea that people need to have different opinions. It's actually perfectly possible to have an interesting discussion involving tactics and strategy on a hot-button issue where both characters agree; on the Savage Skies for instance everyone's on the side opposing fascism, but I'd love to get into more IC discussions on why exactly we oppose fascism and how we're going to tackle it. Since everyone's on the same side, there's very low risk of fallout. (Note: not a criticism of Savage Skies, I've only just started playing and been in two scenes so far; I'm sure more will occur!)
The other thing I fantasise about doing/having on MU* where reality tends to disappoint is character development.
I always try to create characters who have some kind of obstacle they need to overcome from the outset, and I envision multiple paths they could eventually head down once they do. For example let's say I have a magically potent character who can't control her powers; will she be encouraged to give into her ability for violence? Will she find a way to give up those powers entirely? Will she actually learn to control and manage them responsibly? So many options. But I end up having to do the hard work myself because it's rare that any other player is going to care enough to engage with this character, find out what makes them tick and how to unravel or push that forward. I'm always incredibly grateful when I meet a player who does genuinely seem to take an interest and want to be that foil for me.
Another thing is exposing background secrets. I like building puzzles for others to solve. For about a year, though on-and-off, I played a private investigator who had the reputation of having murdered his own wife, who didn't have a clear memory of what had happened and was obsessed with the one case he couldn't solve: potentially his own crime. A few people came close but no one ever did actually figure out the whole truth and I tend to be a bit sad when I set up all these layers of exposition that never come to light.
Maybe this all sounds pretty selfish that I'm just fixated on ways for people to help or take an interest in my character, but I think I'm pretty good at engaging and rewarding other people for the effort they've gone through to design and layer their own characters. I like puzzles: both setting them up and solving other people's. On MUSH I often resign to putting the entire backstory out there for anyone to read if they want to, and leave just a smidge of motive to show don't tell. On other text-based RPGs I prefer and appreciate very noir-style spy-fi games that have lots of tools for espionage, investigation, digging up and exposing other people's secrets. Which is probably why I tend to play spies, assassins, hackers and rogues.