Jan 14, 2020, 4:35 PM

@Killer-Klown There's a term for this, I just can't remember what it is. It's pretty common -- we adapt the speed and style to match that of the person we're playing with. I know I certainly do it -- when I am with one person we swap 500 word poses and take longer writing them, while with another, it's rapid-fire shortposes, bam bam bam. Either works, as long as everyone's on the same page.

I tend to find that the kind of background stuff that ever gets made relevant IC is that which requires others to respond to your actions.

Stating that you're a career criminal doesn't interest anyone unless you've got a price on your head -- literally tattooed on your forehead so they can claim with confidence that yes, their character has actually heard about it before you told them.

Getting caught doing something criminal, on the other hand, forces them to react. Open a scene with being somewhere you shouldn't, possess something you shouldn't have, ask questions about people you shouldn't -- as you say, filling in the actual details when they come up IC.

It's probably one of the more common discrepancies -- what people write on their background contra what they actually bring into the game.