@Auspice There's a slightly more expensive one at Michaels that has a built-in scroll frame, but that one is likely a better bet, and is honestly cheaper and looks more versatile. The other one is PRETTIER, I think, but... meh.
I am a not-hoop-or-frame-using asshole (as in, I am an asshole for not using one) in most cases, but if I was going to go there, I would proooooobably save up for one of these: https://www.embroidery.com/ez-stitch-oak-lap-stand.ec?efid=3064
It's worth checking out that product line, though no handy coupons unfortunately.
As my poor cat well knows, I have no lap to speak of since I'm short and made of boobs, but that one angles all manner of ways and can be set up on a desktop. There's also a shit-ton of different size bars and side rods you can order. It just only works with its own pieces and parts, though. My office is also like 'hahahahahaha girrrrrrrrl like you have space for that!' so it's not a priority.
I have an old one living in storage out on the porch from Lacis, but it was a heavy nightmare, required basting, and isn't very flexible. It's lovely but like... it's the sort of lovely that I think I'd just use to put something in to display some day and call it done. (I think that one was mostly for tambour work, which I love in theory but never really got into beyond dabbling/enough to justify this thing standing in the middle of the floor all the time.)
The bad person part of my brain is like: 'Come on, girl, how hard would it be to build one... ' and I need to tell that part of my brain to STFU, since if I don't have space for the stand, I certainly don't have space to build a stand.