@Derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Sunny said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Super helpful in context, aren’t you?
@SinCerely said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Trying to price the things I make. Knowing there's got to be a balance between the sheer joy of someone wearing my work and charging enough money for each piece, and having it completely escape me and hating that I'm some how devaluing my art and making my craft completely unsustainable at this rate. Hate everything today. I love myself more than this but not making it work today.
Tomorrow is another day, with no mistakes in it yet.
@Sunny said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Some of us are responsible and plan out our mistakes ahead of time!
@Derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Sunny said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Super helpful in context, aren’t you?
@Sunny said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Sunny said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Super helpful in context, aren’t you?
My apologies for upsetting you by quoting the qualifier in your own sentence, I guess? shrugs I mean, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it or whatever, but, you know. I acknowledge your disapproval?
Defensive too, I see. It’s funny ribbing when you do it to friends. It’s just weird and rude to step on someone trying to comfort someone else by putting emphasis on part of it to make it seem bad. I mean, you do you, but I was trying to be nice to someone dealing with an actual issue, and you wandered by and spit on us. And you freak out because I dared point out it’s rude? Ok...
ETA: Also, one does not have to be upset to say something about something, and your assumption that I am upset because I pointed out your rudeness is also problematic.
I'm neither defensive nor freaking out? Not sure where you're getting that one from, but alright?
As to the larger questions, though: am I somehow required to gain your permission before posting commentary on... basically anything? I mean, you're certainly not a moderator, and even our moderators take a fairly conservative approach toward such things.
If you want to call me pointing out a qualifier "rude", then sure? I mean, I've been called worse things, I suppose. I certainly didn't "spit on" you, and the fact that you're taking a single passing comment weirdly as some sort of attack makes me believe that you are the one being defensive here. But I also have no real need to convince you otherwise, and would probably largely fail in trying, since you've taken a colossal leap toward conclusions already.
So, you know. You do you, too, I guess? I'll just be over here "freaking out" that someone had the audacity to call me out on "spitting on" a person that I have absolutely no investment in whatsoever by pointing out the "yet" at the end of a sentence.
@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Your job is to defend against this claim filed by a firefighter for workers' compensation related to a brain-and-lung cancer diagnosis. Although the State of Ohio by law conclusively establishes such cancers as caused by the firefighter's work, we still want you to defend against the claim based on the fact that such firefighter was diagnosed with leukemia fifteen years ago, which could have been a cause of the current cancer, rather than his occupation. You have 24 hours to prepare your defense. Godspeed.
Addendum received an hour before hearing:
We apologize for not telling you earlier, but that claim is now a death claim. The brain cancer killed the firefighter two weeks ago. By the way, the widow is going to show up and we forgot to actually file a notice of appearance for you so you cannot raise any legal arguments in defense of the appeal we filed or inquire of any witnesses. Godspeed.
@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
We apologize for not telling you earlier, but that claim is now a death claim. The brain cancer killed the firefighter two weeks ago. By the way, the widow is going to show up and we forgot to actually file a notice of appearance for you so you cannot raise any legal arguments in defense of the appeal we filed or inquire of any witnesses. Godspeed.
So like... what do you even do? I thought you worked in IP? O_o
@Derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
As to the larger questions, though: am I somehow required to gain your permission before posting commentary on... basically anything?
No? As I am not required, either. You comment, I commented back, that's how these things go.
If I'm upset, you're freaking out.
And in context, yes, pointing out the qualifier was rude. That's why I mentioned context in my original reply to you.
ETA: I have as much right to reply to your reply to me as you had in the first place. My comment is neither more or less out of place than yours. I do not need permission; you do not need permission. I said something, you responded, I called it rude (it was), and somehow we're circling around to permission and what? is there something wrong with you?
@Derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
So like... what do you even do? I thought you worked in IP? O_o
This is a Bureau of Workers' Compensation claim, not a personal injury tort claim.
Car accidents I can do. Attempting to defend a claim for workers' compensation related to cancer that developed in firefighters is not so much my bag. I've watched two of my partner's relatives die from (pancreatic and brain) cancer and watched her go through four operations to deal with hers (skin, kidney, ovarian, thyroid).
This is me now.
Lol. Sure thing, man. I can't even keep up with this anymore. Maybe there is something wrong with me, but you've taken being offended and turned it into a damn calling, so I guess we'll forever be at odds. C'est la vie. I'll try to move on and live my best life anyway. I hope you can do the same.
I mean, if there's no appearance for you, and apparently isn't going to be an appearance for you -- is this even your problem? Can't you kick this off to someone else, if aforementioned someone else apparently has the power to file an appearance on your behalf? (Which makes me shudder over here, across the border. WTF?)
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Maybe there is something wrong with me
I'm sure that there's a great accounting somewhere. I'm pretty cool with that, really.
@Derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Maybe there is something wrong with me
I'm sure that there's a great accounting somewhere. I'm pretty cool with that, really.
If there's a great accounting, there's a great accountant. And I am so not looking forward to that boring as hell meeting.
@Derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I mean, if there's no appearance for you, and apparently isn't going to be an appearance for you -- is this even your problem?
It sure is when the client who wanted our firm to handle the matter is a long-standing one with a lot of money and influence.
@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
It sure is when the client who wanted our firm to handle the matter is a long-standing one with a lot of money and influence.
@Derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Lol. Sure thing, man. I can't even keep up with this anymore. Maybe there is something wrong with me, but you've taken being offended and turned it into a damn calling, so I guess we'll forever be at odds. C'est la vie. I'll try to move on and live my best life anyway. I hope you can do the same.
This would require that I am offended. I pointed out you were rude, man. All of this for me calling you super helpful?
Can you explain to me what the difference is between you posting and my posting? Because last I checked, I'm just as allowed as you to have opinions and say things, especially when they are in response to someone going @ me.
@Ganymede said in [Real World Peeves,
... and we forgot to actually file a notice of appearance for you so you cannot raise any legal arguments in defense of the appeal we filed or inquire of any witnesses. Godspeed.*
Sounds like they conveniently 'forgot' to do what was needed to present a successful case in an abominable situation that they should feel horrible about doing?
@SinCerely I am in this exact same position. I have a meeting with a store owner on Saturday to discuss display space, and percentages. My brain has been freaking out all day.