@gryphter said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I think I'd be hard-pressed to control myself from exploding if somebody saw how I act online or with my friends and tried to tell me I'm not shy. Motherfucker, eat a whole bag of raw dicks.
When I'm in a social situation where I don't know anyone*, I can't even find my voice. Hell, when I don't know the majority of people, I often can't. Like if I bump into someone in public on accident I probably come off as rude af because my 'Sorry' comes out silent.
Part of why this made me so mad is no one spoke up. Just a week before this, I had an anxiety attack right before a meetup and people in the group were aware. Like they saw me start to walk up, then walk away to take a few minutes to compose myself and they knew why. Like any one of them could've said something, but no.
*the MBD concert I went to is an exception. That band has such a great meaning to me that going to see them is like going to church. But, alternatively, the two book signings I've gone to in the past year, I sat alone, and I barely even said a word to the authors themselves... even though I really really wanted to.