At this point, things are steadily moving past 'very pathetic, but somewhat sadly amusing attempts at bullying' towards 'illegal as fuck stalking/harassing that requires police intervention'.
A bit of trouble on Firefly
@silverfox I did. It was a very nice portrait of Richard Nixon.
@L-B-Heuschkel I'm not a doctor but you should probably get that checked.
@silverfox said in A bit of trouble on Firefly:
@L-B-Heuschkel said in A bit of trouble on Firefly:
@Kestrel You've seen mine.
ngl, I read this as, "I've totally sent you a dick pic!"
Before people get judgemental, I do want it clarified that I did give @L-B-Heuschkel my explicit, enthusiastic consent to send me pictures of Richard Nixon at any and every opportunity.
@Otrere said in A bit of trouble on Firefly:
I am Osiris (co-owner of Firefly). So of course I know that I'm not the same person as @watcher, who paged all of this to me, and I willingly fill in the other name that our troll used for me.
Hi, O!
@Otrere said in A bit of trouble on Firefly:
Part of our troll's MO is definitely trying to point out how smart and threatening he is, by knowing who everyone is. So, he "knew" Watcher was a cheaty-alt of Osiris... and that as Osiris I'm also Otrere here (though the dude couldn't even spell it right once). He kept referring to me as Otere, or hun, throughout our conversations that day. He also namedrops on other people and their elsemu/else-social/RL identities.
We saw how well that worked out for him, this time. But he's awesomely brilliant, ya know, so no doubt the same tactics will show up elsewhere... whether those login times are coincidence or not. Seriously, if I thought of that time-checking trick, a lot of other people have, too.
@Caryatid I legit think of this every time he comes up.
Frankly, he does put me in mind of a jump-scaring flasher in a black raincoat, hat, shades, and tennies... the kind who follows you around for hours, 'til you're alone and creeped out and then... surprise! Only he's not surprising, since you can see hairy legs sticking out from under the coat. Not the scary kind of creepy, either. So I honestly wonder why he bothers. Must be an ego-trip thing.
Of note, since not everyone reads the Ares forums...
The player in question has been banned from AresCentral.
Being banned from a particular game generally does not affect your AresCentral status. However:
- If you’ve been banned from a game, you may not come here and pester the game-runner(s) who banned you. Take the hint and leave them alone.
- I reserve the right to make exceptions in extreme circumstances, like someone who’s been serially harassing people and maliciously attempting to bypass bans across multiple games.
They responded (due to a glitch with the forum ban... my error) protesting that they had been so very polite while doing #1, while apparently completely missing the fact that it was inappropriate to do so in the first place. (And also letting #2 sail right over their heads.)
@Tat said in A bit of trouble on Firefly:
This player had also picked up a roster on Spirit Lake. Thanks to folks who shared info about him - after getting the new Ares security upgrades in, he's been banned from us as well.
His behavior on our game never crossed a line (that we knew of), but given what we've seen from him from people I know and trust, we're not willing to give him that chance.
@faraday said in A bit of trouble on Firefly:
Of note, since not everyone reads the Ares forums...
The player in question has been banned from AresCentral.
Being banned from a particular game generally does not affect your AresCentral status. However:
- If you’ve been banned from a game, you may not come here and pester the game-runner(s) who banned you. Take the hint and leave them alone.
- I reserve the right to make exceptions in extreme circumstances, like someone who’s been serially harassing people and maliciously attempting to bypass bans across multiple games.
They responded (due to a glitch with the forum ban... my error) protesting that they had been so very polite while doing #1, while apparently completely missing the fact that it was inappropriate to do so in the first place. (And also letting #2 sail right over their heads.)
This sort of thing (and @GirlCalledBlu and @Seraphim73 's banning of him based on his attitudes on Gray Harbor and Arx) makes me happy for the community.
I have always felt that the whole "well they haven't done anything here and until they misbehave within the bounds of the game we can't do anything" was absolutely ridiculous. As a community, we need to support each other across games; we all play in each others' games and staff for each other. We are, in effect, a community, and we don't just need to look out for each other, but also be willing to accept that when someone does something inappropriate to one of us, they don't get to just connect to another game and act as if it didn't happen.
I'm glad to see the community banding together against this guy.
<PM> (to Faraday) Guest-1 says, "<My RL Name> multiple games? It was one game I bypassed the ban on. And even with your fix, I can still access all three games that decided to remove me over nothing that actually violated their stated policies. I hadn't bothered trying to access them but got curious given your statement so figured I would check. <My RL Job> really needs better programmers and software architects if you miss such small things like the /glitch/ that allowed me to message you on the forums."
<PM> (to Faraday) Guest-1 says, "I have no qualms with you, Just figured I would point out that the /bug/ is still there. as you put it."
<PM> (to Faraday) Guest-1 says, "Hope those storms up there aren't too rough on you. Enjoy your evening."
I mean, it's not like the guy is a detective genius - you can find out the info with 5 minutes searching on my GitHub profile. Dropping the info is just a sad attempt at being creepy.
At this point, things are steadily moving past 'very pathetic, but somewhat sadly amusing attempts at bullying' towards 'illegal as fuck stalking/harassing that requires police intervention'.
@TiredEwok I would argue that they were there from the start as he already has an anti-harassment order against him.
Sadly, people like to make themselves feel better by not believing people when they talk about harassment or thinking that this type of behavior could hopefully just be then having a bad day or "not who they really are" or harmless or whatever.
In fact this guy has an extensive history.
I'm glad in this instance at least people are not playing the magnanimity game, or looking the other way. Wish we did it more when people show who they are through harassing behaviour or racist/sexist/homophobic comments.
@Coin said in A bit of trouble on Firefly:
I have always felt that the whole "well they haven't done anything here and until they misbehave within the bounds of the game we can't do anything" was absolutely ridiculous.
It's worth noting he actually DID do wrong things on Spirit Lake (being creepy on public channels, wandering into people's rooms and saying creepy non-sequitors there, paging staff and being a weirdo) which got him kicked off the first time. He just didn't do THOSE EXACT SAME THINGS again after being kicked off and returning via roster.
The search for further explanation is just one more sloppy attempt to exert control and victimize, or revictimize, his targets. He actually did receive a reason, at least from SL. It was a Rihanna meme!
In addition to the roster character he was banned on, he could be attributed to five additional logins, not including those rosters he claimed post-banning.
Here is one of their stories.
Offstage Offstage
02/27/2020 ~ 02/27/2020
Here, quiet and darkness. Ahead, the bright lights of the stage.
Step into the spotlight.Characters:
Char1 -
Char2 -
Char3 -
Char3 -
(QR) Quiet Room (RP) RP Annex
(SN) Staff NexusUiland has arrived.
Uiland says, "Ares, there's a reason you always run and hide 'in time' when we try to fight. That's because we don't fight, I simply win before you bow and then run. Almost like you launch yourself backwards with the speed of Alucards "Super Jump"."
Uiland says, "Char2 isn't Japanese, but he thinks He's turning Japanese by watching all these shows the little brother ordered."
Uiland says, "Char3, go throw a baseball."
Uiland says, "Char3, I liked you on your show because you knew how to sing. That's why you think I'm here, you see."
Uiland says, "Ares says to me "Now begone from my presence you pest!!" because he's still afraid of the best. :-D"
Uiland says, "Char3, you tried to re-bane me. You are the stain within me, the sin that should only begin when One is Furious."
Uiland says, "And, well, you don't realize that when I go back to the Reactor remembering all my time listening to Juno, that's when I'm more furious than any other."
Uiland says, " com/watch?v=Crg_pMUBgIs ~ com/watch?v=E1sGhmcZ7Pg"
Uiland says, "How do you think I get from One place to the Other soulfully?"
Uiland says, "Can't even use emotes in the game, because Ares only thinks everything should come down to a fight."
Uiland says, "Char1, the Dead One who Lose. :-D"
Uiland says, "Such a shell of a game, like the look in most of your eyes. Because I did say that if you joined with Him, you would forever lose."
Uiland says, "Isn't this so much fun you group of proverbial puns?"
Uiland says, "Why don't you run and get Patrick?"
Uiland says, "Go on, run and get your "savior". The only One who truly got to know me. The rest of you trusted his description of me."
statue Uiland=Called me a 'proverbial pun'
New Job! #3789 "Player Statue" submitted by System.
[New Characters, Game] Uiland has disconnected.
Uiland has disconnected here. -
you’re fixating on the wrong thing, you really ought to be more concerned about getting from one place to the other soulfully
Oh, okay! Mystery solved. And I think I struck a nerve. Profanity edited out by me.
@Funnyenough 15 minutes ago
Few issues with your assumption there scar.
First off, I never played on Spirit Lake before you idiots banned me earlier today for not a f-ing thing.
, Was not and never has been a name i have used.
And second..
It would make zero f-ing sense for me to tell you to run and get myself.
Since Patrick would be me.. You dumb f-ing c****
Anyways, Have a good one. Enjoy your assumptions flawed as they may be. ~_^ -
@scar said in A bit of trouble on Firefly:
Uiland says, "Why don't you run and get Patrick?"
Uiland says, "Go on, run and get your "savior". The only One who truly got to know me. The rest of you trusted his description of me."
Is he trying to impersonate Mr Robot?
@Kestrel said in A bit of trouble on Firefly:
@scar said in A bit of trouble on Firefly:
Uiland says, "Why don't you run and get Patrick?"
Uiland says, "Go on, run and get your "savior". The only One who truly got to know me. The rest of you trusted his description of me."
Is he trying to impersonate Mr Robot?
So like, Patrick is the dad? Should we move this to Mr. Robot spoilers?
@scar said in A bit of trouble on Firefly:
Oh, okay! Mystery solved. And I think I struck a nerve. Profanity edited out by me.
@Funnyenough 15 minutes ago
Few issues with your assumption there scar.
First off, I never played on Spirit Lake before you idiots banned me earlier today for not a fucking thing.
, Was not and never has been a name i have used.
And second..
It would make zero fucking sense for me to tell you to run and get myself.
Since Patrick would be me.. You dumb fucking c****
Anyways, Have a good one. Enjoy your assumptions flawed as they may be. ~_^I truly thought this mystery would remain unsolved.