Sep 2, 2020, 10:17 PM

@Auspice said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):

I don't mind necklaces or snug necklines tho. I think the snug clothing, etc fits into why I also like weighted blankets. Or part of it. There's a light pressure involved and it feels soothing.

That's the thing about sensory processing issues... it's not consistent.

It's kinda how ADHD is not really a deficit of attention, it's trouble regulating attention. Sometimes you have too little attention, sometimes you have too much (hyperfocus).

Sensory processing is the same way. Sometimes it's an under-regulation (needing weighted blanket to sleep), sometimes it's an over-regulation (OMG TAG NUB ITCH), sometimes it can be either one depending on the situation. It's a PITA to explain to people.