I don't discord. Much to many annoyances when I respond to that. It's not me being shady or anything, I really don't use it. I don't use many out of game communications with people
I don't discord. Much to many annoyances when I respond to that. It's not me being shady or anything, I really don't use it. I don't use many out of game communications with people
@RightMeow Feel free to hunt me any of us down here, or on the grid, or at Granny Gail's thanksgiving dinner on Oak Avenue.
When you watch a scene's rolls for days, desperately waiting for the amazing thing you know will be the log to appear.
And then it does, and it is even BETTER than you expected, and every single pose is a thing of pure 'yes, and' beauty and joy and you spend the whole time laughing.
God. Sometimes RP is just chef's kiss.
I love having RP partners whose PCs I can emotionally abuse knowing that I'm not really that way and that I am actually, truly apologetic for using them to explore my PC's emotional growth.
@Ganymede said in MU Things I Love:
I love having RP partners whose PCs I can emotionally abuse knowing that I'm not really that way and that I am actually, truly apologetic for using them to explore my PC's emotional growth.
Oh my word yes. This, every damn time.
when a scene gets silly and hilarious but does it in a way where it reflects how the characters play off each other and highlights aspects of their personalities that aren't always apparent, instead of just being LOLRANDOM.
when you slowly play out a scene over the course of the week and it turns out to be a fun high point and then you're laughing at 6am when you catch up on the poses that happened while you were zzzz
Reading about how boring chaacters that never bat an eyelash are, thinking about how much fun it is to freak the fuck out ICly and how you haven't gotten a chance to do that in a while, and then getting to do that.
I have never been so disappointed to crit a roll as I was when rolling Composure, when <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> in front of my character's eyes. Horribly.
Horribly horribly.
The character still has nightmares about what happened, but at the time he totally held it together. I mean, I was at least hoping he'd get to tip the chair over backwards and hide behind his wife.
Getting the chance to do something so risky it might end up killing my character, but it's something of my own choice and I am so thrilled. If he makes it? Awesome. If not? Also awesome.
@Goblin said in MU Things I Love:
Getting the chance to do something so risky it might end up killing my character, but it's something of my own choice and I am so thrilled. If he makes it? Awesome. If not? Also awesome.
It's going to be fiiiiiiiiiine... maybe.
@Grayson said in MU Things I Love:
I have never been so disappointed to crit a roll as I was when rolling Composure, when <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> in front of my character's eyes. Horribly.
Horribly horribly.
The character still has nightmares about what happened, but at the time he totally held it together. I mean, I was at least hoping he'd get to tip the chair over backwards and hide behind his wife.
When my character had <redacted> happen to him for the first time, he succeeded a difficulty 30 Composure check (hint: he doesn't have a 5 in Composure). My interpretation of that result was that he didn't wet himself, but he still freaked out.
There are gradations to it, in my opinion. >.>
Pure dumb fun RP that you can actually feel everyone enjoying. Also hearing that someone you'd never RP'd with before thought you were fun (they were also very fun).
This was a super nice thing to do this weekend.
Legitimate excitement over an upcoming scene, days in advance. And then being unable to sleep the night before because anticipation!