Apr 6, 2021, 7:09 AM

One of the big game culture hurdles is plot hogging -- how to get into ongoing plot, how to get included, how to make people not feel left out in spite of the fact that no one person doing this for a hobby can cater to players 24/7. That's one thing to look closer at and examining because frankly? Bored players are where drama breeds.

I find that a healthy game culture lets people do their own thing. Step A is allowing it -- acknowledging that you as staff won't know everything that happens on your game, nor will it get run past you. It's ok. Other people's ideas can be good too.

Step B is opening your setting to step A. Create a game world where people can tell their own stories and those stories can have just as much impact as the 'official'. Otherwise, those other stories are always going to be perceived as 'second rate'.

And step C is to make no one story the official, sanctioned one. Weave your web so that Bob's story of those supermarket ghosts is just as much part of the official canon as Judy the staffer's tale of the strawberry pickers on the farm.

The only way to include everyone is to continuously work at removing the barrier between 'the officially recognised stuff' and the rest.