Nov 28, 2021, 1:11 AM

@il-volpe Are they saying that? Or are they saying:

"I wonder what would happen if you yourself brought some nice sandwiches to the potluck? If you baked some lovely homemade French bread and got the really good deli meat and whipped it up with a fine aioli and put crisp fresh vegetables in it?"

Would you even care what the Original Sandwich Group is doing at that point, or would you be too busy passing out your own lovely sandwiches?

As another way to look at this:

Sandwich Bob brings 4 sandwiches. It's all he can afford. Only 4% of the attendees get to enjoy his sandwiches.

Joe also loves Bob's sandwiches. He brings some casserole. About 25% of the people there eat the casserole.

Henry loves Bob's sandwiches, and he bakes brownies every month and about 50% of the folks there feast on those brownies.

Jane loves Bob's sandwiches. She has one every time. She also brings that really fantastic dip people like and that feeds a good 75% of the attendees. Jane is staff. She's not the host but she busts butt to do dishes and manage the Google cal and help organize the venue.

And of course, there are more servings of everything else for everyone else cause...the sandwiches fed people.

On the contention that Bob is ruining things for everyone cause everyone is awful jealous of those sandwiches, after reading Jane the riot act for selfishly accepting a sandwich and making sure Bob gets a little dip, Host loses Bob's invitations in the mail.

Joe's casseroles disappear next, cause he was really there for those sandwiches.

A few other attendees really liked the casserole, and Joe, so they go find a different potluck.

Henry holds on awhile longer, but damn, Joe's casseroles were kind of integral to his he goes where Joe went.

Jane, dutiful soul that she is, keeps on for a bit, because there are other people counting on her and her dip and her labor and she doesn't want to disappoint them no mater how much her own experience has been diminished...but at 1/2 energy. The dip just isn't as good, she delegates some of that other labor to someone else or just doesn't do it, Host has to either pop in and do it or it doesn't get done...

See where this is going? But by god, Host sure showed Bob for his rudeness and the person who complained to Host to make sure Host did that because they felt lonely and left out gets...well...what?