Wow, just wow. Thank you SO MUCH for all of this, it's really interesting and helpful to read through.
I am also UK based, and yes I did have to go private to get anywhere as mental health coverage where I am (South West) is poor-to-nonexistant on the NHS. Fortunately my therapist is a specialist in adult ADHD and is female (as am I), so hopefully she'll be aware of some of the things you've mentioned. I certainly have a list of questions for our next session!
She did mention taking the meds with a good breakfast, presumably to help with that bell curve, though didn't specify beyond filling and healthy. I'll take into account the fat effect on absorption and see how it feels when I'm on a higher dose.
The plan so far is to start on 30mg for the first week (where I am now) and increase to 50mg from there, and to catch up with her in a few weeks to see how it's going (though to call in if I experience any bad side effects or other issues).
Again, thank you so much for this, and to @thhppbbbt for those comments also. You're both awesome.