See, my issue with 1-3 edition is that it is NOT wireless. I can't get into a sci-fi game that has worse tech than my phone.
Shadowrun Denver & New Plot
Denver Shadowrun MU* is a multi-player environment set in Denver in 2076. This fractured city gives ample opportunity for shadowrunners to delve into a myriad of possible story lines, from political intrigue to mob wars to deals with dragons. The game also branches out into North America and the world, with narrative storytelling and player interaction.
Port: 1999New Plot Advert
The Plot - TLDR; Corp War on Shadowrun Denver, Check it out.Svoboda Enterprise, a B+/A EuroCorp has opened satellite offices in Denver and have started a PR campaign regarding a new bio-chip to reduce essence and significantly improve speed in cranial decks.
Who Sergie Basbelov, CEO and Company founder.
Ares, Aztechnology, and MCT have all expressed interest.
Rumors indicate a potential hostile takeover via one of the three AAA's.How It Works:
Every 4-6 weeks there will be an overarching plot that will kick off with a staff sponsored plot (I give the GM some guidelines, the players get to impact the game, and everyone activates how the plot unfolds. There may be toys and increased money, as well as increased danger.)Smaller related scenes will take place on grid like mini-runs and scenes which I will GM as various characters. Your contacts may need some favors!
This culminates with a final staff sponsored plot and possible "flashpoint" or "legwork" type global
Finally, you'll see various rumors, media posts, and chatter. Feel free to follow up or incorporate in your regular RP. Also may see weird background emits, not too many, but think of it as metanarrative to help define the plot.
-Finn, Storyteller.
And now you can attempt to be relevant with a zero karma PC when there are Karma Gods walking around with so much Karma they never fail, anything, ever.
I'm sorry you've had a bad experience.However, I will be handling various team balancing and even issuing karma caps. In addition there's a host of brand new PC's and I'm pretty crafty with any potential gods (most of whom are rarely, if ever, on).
More details on our bb system come check it out.
I would, if it weren't 3rd edition shadow-run. I actually played on Denver when it first opened and helped to get it started in the beta actually but that was a very long time ago.
If Denver were updated to 5th edition, I'd probably check it out.
Most of the people that I've played with there run with a 6 KP limit on runs to keep things interesting. My character often blows through all of them on soaking the first spell of the run, I swear their dice code favours 1s and 2s!
@Lithium Same. Get with the times!
@tragedyjones In the mean time, feel free to check it out! Just trying to engage in some friendly adverstisment for the product. It's definitely still 3rd Edition! Confirmed.
3rd edition is way more fun than these 2 'upgrades'.
@Formula-409 said:
3rd edition is way more fun than these 2 'upgrades'.
An opinion you are welcome to, I have played every edition of SR except 1. I disagree but if you are having fun, so be it chummer.
Agreed with @tragedyjones. I had a shit-ton of fun with SR 1. My ability to ignore broken or difficult systems is legion when people let it slide and go with the flow.
My main fuss concerning future editions is the strangely forced wireless deal and tech miniaturization, since Shadowrun origins came from the 80s era (and yeah tech does progress over time) but the wired up and clunky junk was an awesome feel, and now we have puny cybertablets (see 5e picture of troll decker & wimpy rig). Oh, and now our smartlink system is supposedly hackable if we do not spend extra yen on a swag commlink.
Maybe, I should quip like an old man in an out-of-style hat, "Get off my lawn!" now.
(I know this all likely sounds really silly!) -
See, my issue with 1-3 edition is that it is NOT wireless. I can't get into a sci-fi game that has worse tech than my phone.
As much fun as I've had on Denver, I was burned there too many times to really want to go back. In fact, getting burned there at around the same time as I went through the whole NYC mush fiasco put me in a bad place for MUing that I'm still having issues getting over.
@tragedyjones said:
See, my issue with 1-3 edition is that it is NOT wireless. I can't get into a sci-fi game that has worse tech than my phone.
Yep. I miss playing Shadowrun, but I could never go back to 3rd ed.
SR3 has potential to be tech-y. There exist pocket computers and visor computer displays and all of that jazz. But it's all tortoise mode for matrix stuff. Not a big problem. Certainly not as big a problem as karma pool.
@tragedyjones said:
See, my issue with 1-3 edition is that it is NOT wireless. I can't get into a sci-fi game that has worse tech than my phone.
@Thenomain Fallout has a thematic reason for being low-tech, like Battlestar. SR3's reason is just "It was written in the 80s." Given that it's arguably supposed to share the same history as the real world, that makes it a little jarring.
Not as jarring as trying to play Twilight:2000 though
@faraday said:
@Thenomain Fallout has a thematic reason for being low-tech, like Battlestar. SR3's reason is just "It was written in the 80s." Given that it's arguably supposed to share the same history as the real world, that makes it a little jarring.
Not as jarring as trying to play Twilight:2000 though
Couldn't you easily fluff magic interfering with radio signals or something?
@faraday said:
@Thenomain Fallout has a thematic reason for being low-tech, like Battlestar. SR3's reason is just "It was written in the 80s." Given that it's arguably supposed to share the same history as the real world, that makes it a little jarring.
I haven't actually played Fallout, but IIRC, the reason for it being low-tech is that most of its advancements past 1950s technology are post-apocalyptic, so it only really shares a history with the real world up to a certain point in time--a point that has technology would would consider pretty retro now a days.
@Groth Magic interfering with radio signals would be in conflict with other parts of the theme, but you could improvise whatever you wanted. All I meant was that I find "stock" SR3 to be jarring because of the tech mismatch. So do a lot of people - that's why they changed it all in SR4.
@Coin - yes, I was saying Shadowrun was jarring, not Fallout. Fallout is more of an alternate history setting.