@bored You make a really good point here.Mall Cops (who presumably do not want a higher risk security job) do not occupy the same arena as Marine Force Recon. If the player isn't into the idea of risk or PC death or negative consequences for their character, then they shouldn't be involved in higher tier risk ICly. Period.
In my long years mushing, all too often I came across people that wanted to be IC leadership, or super awesome pilots, or super deadly assassins, but when it came time for the sense of risk and destruction they were so eager to inflict on other players or NPCs came to risk their own characters, a sudden avalanche of rules lawyering, OOC drama, and RL angst accompanied those episodes.
If I were making a Space Lords and Ladies game, or any game, I would definitely hold players of higher risk IC action/job/politics to non-consent for high risk rewards/failures. You cannot, cannot, allow players to gamble with monopololy money while other characters are gambling with hard currency. It breaks games.
EDIT: Also, to note, players that don't want to involve in combat, risky politics, or dangerous metaplot events like the big battles of Fifth World have got to understand that, when they choose to abstain from the high risk arena, by means of dramatic guidance alone, their characters are not central to the main story. Staff is infinitely less prone to write plots around characters who don't want to heavily affect, or be affected, by the central theme. These players have got to be honest with themselves. If you're playing a pacifist character who wants to maintain a horse stable and farm on a game whose main focus is intergalactic warfare, then your character really isn't important to the story the game itself is trying to tell as a whole. This character may be important to you and your friends, but you have GOT to understand that when it comes to furthering the metaplot, your character is simply NOT important to that major story piece. Choosing to not partake in that is your choice, and because staff isn't straying from the metaplot they're trying to manage to whip up sandbox pacifist horse stable plots doesn't mean you're less important, it just means that you chose to tell a different story than the game, staff, or plot had ever intended.