Hey, I'm no staffer and this isn't exactly any sort of official advertisement for the game or anything like that, so pardon a lack of a pretty write up or something.
I am a long time player on Reno. I've had my times of activity and inactivity, but I think it's a pretty good game, generally speaking with some really good people running it. And now, we're starting up a lot of really cool plots and metaplots, and so here I am. Rock you like a hurricane.
I want to encourage this forward momentum in the game. I'd like to get some players around for antics. If you have old characters that have idled out or frozen, bring 'em back! If you haven't checked out Reno before, come do so! It's a really good time for getting into the game (again), as things are just kicking off and they're going to be shaken up pretty drastically, from the looks of it. Again, not staff, so I don't have any sort of inside view on this. Just the chatter.
Either way, there's a lot of opportunity for fun, cooperative-competitive gameplay, a ton of plot threads to explore (@Ganymede is rolling out these things like crazy) and some new shiny stuff in the works. Plus, most of my old crew is gone/scarce, and I could personally use a few new people to roll with. I'd like to have a small group of PCs to have mine (Dorian) work with in exploring some of the metaplot that's unfolding. Dorian's a fairly focused character, so it'd be nice to have some diversity to work within a group.
So come on over to port: 7639 and say hey.
And even if you don't know WoD/CoD (which seems to be exceedingly rare around here), it's cool. Lots of friendly folks (like me!) who can help you make a character and learn the game.
I have considered making a new alt there. Someone fresh to get back into things as. I always regretted not getting/keeping things rolling as Yvette but by the time I left I was overwhelmed by RL depression and other things which was really not conducive to being able to think, let alone be creative.
@Apu said:
I have considered making a new alt there. Someone fresh to get back into things as. I always regretted not getting/keeping things rolling as Yvette but by the time I left I was overwhelmed by RL depression and other things which was really not conducive to being able to think, let alone be creative.
Sorry to hear that, Apu. I'm also sorry to report that Oz is basically nutter-butters.
It's hyperbolic to say that I'm rolling shit out like crazy, but I am rolling shit out, and it appears to be getting some traction. Some people are pulling the threads together, and not liking the tapestry. That's kind of what I like to do, storyteller-wise.
But, yes, shit be going down. I'm rolling out the Hunter-angle shortly, so if any of you have Hunters you'd like to resurrect, now's the time.
Hey, no need to say you're sorry. It is just one of those things. If I come back I'll give you a shout, say hi.
@Apu No ifs. I miss you. Come back.
Miss you too, @ShelBeast! I'll come back.
@Apu You're the bestest.
Is Pinball still there?
@VulgarKitten said:
Is Pinball still there?
I haven't been able to get on when scenes are running, but I've seen @Ganymede being very proactive with the different spheres. Looks good to me so far. Hopefully I can send my vampire to one of your shindigs soon!
Thanks, @Deviante. I've been waylaid recently by RL shit, but I'll hopefully be back on track in 48 hours. Nearly had to reschedule my last +event because I was firing out of both ends.
@Ganymede Glad to hear you're on the mend! Awful. I've just started carving out a little time for RP again now that the little tyrant is falling into a better routine. I'm definitely looking forward to some fun plots.
I don't buy it.
Well, I'm there now as Brandon (Idealist Bruja Carthian) and Desmond (Young Catholic Priest mortal), so if any of you folks are on there and are up to rp once I'm approved, gimme a poke!
Okay. I know I said I'd be back here and I will be. Finally got RL taken care of AND got a new computer online so yay!