Apr 5, 2016, 3:31 PM


@Roz said:

Unwanted behavior is unwanted behavior and plenty of women have plenty of experiences receiving it from guys they would have found physically attractive otherwise.

This is what I would have said if I wasn't deliberately trying to bait you.

... I think Ganymede was trying to offer a sort of mental shortcut to help you better understand the feeling.

I used the word attractive to goad you into thinking that it was about appearance. I'm a jerk like that.

A woman can find someone attractive no matter what they look like, so the word attractive should not be limited to physical appearance alone. And if a woman is, in fact, attracted to someone, they may find the witless insinuations charming or cute. But the way to figure out if your witless insinuations will have the desired effect is to treat them like a normal human being, and get to know a little more about them by engaging in casual, respectful banter.

Coincidentally, the same may increase the likelihood that your witless insinuations will be seen as just that, and not a warning that they may end up tied up and gagged in a basement.

@mietze said:

Would you really stand up for the 13 year old especially? How would you spot her? As was said to me in "defense" when I ripped a man a new one who was making my daughter uncomfortable "how was I to know she's 12, mom? She's tall and has tits".

Perhaps we should not just stand up for 13 year olds especially, or young girls, or women. We should also stand up for the openly-gay cosplayer, and the bi-racial couple. Fuck, we should stand up for anyone regardless of size, age, sex, or whatever against people who think it's okay to all someone a fag, queer, nigger, spic, nip, or some other derogatory term.

"Boys will be boys" is a comment to motive, not a plea for leniency.