Apr 28, 2016, 9:15 PM

@Arkandel said in PVP games/elements?:

@ThatGuyThere said in PVP games/elements?:

Now I would not play on a game were I distrusted staff, but my default setting for staff or any other person is pretty much wary observation when it some to trust.

It still doesn't make sense to me, because most of the reasons I'd have to mistrust staff for would involve things that are impossible to observe. Are they looking at +jobs they shouldn't be? Giving their alts more XP than the rest of us?

Those are not actions which can be monitored by players, and issues like favoritism are extremely difficult to judge objectively even if you're watching very closely since you can't know what's going on in their head; did Bob become Primogen because they thought he was the best candidate or because of some ties to a staff alt?

I mean it still depends on the definition of 'trust'.

Agreed, but how can be transparent enough do people don't worry to much without giving away to much? I think a rule like: Staff doesn't take any positions of power or assigns them works or should go a long way right?