Jun 8, 2016, 6:47 PM

I haven't used MediaWiki for a MUSH game since, like, 2007. Wikidot has everything I need, and it's free, and I don't have to screw around with hosting options for it. With creative use of templates, includes and tags, you can do auto-generated RP log lists, faction pages, tutorial navigation, and everything else I've ever wanted to do.

The only place that Mediawiki beats it, IMHO, is MUSH-to-wiki integration. As @Thenomain mentioned in another thread, you can use the SQL output from MUSH to write stuff directly into MW's tables, effectively adding things through a back door. It's kind of a hack, but at least it works. You can't do that with wikidot, but between in-game "here copy/paste this" commands and fill-in-the-blank templates, it's not been a big deal. YMMV.

For an example of the sort of MU site you can set up with Wikidot, check out Marvel 1963 or The 100.