Feb 25, 2015, 5:38 PM

@Pyrephox said:

@Coin Mostly I was being snarky about my phrasing. Ideally, yeah, the players or players and staff would work it out so that an event would be fun for everyone - personally, I suspect the average festival or social gathering scene could only be improved by adding gunfire and violence. Or at least some intrigue. (Seriously, every large social scene should have sub-goals for people attending - exchange packages or information, cause social strife between specific people, repair relationships, lure someone to an isolated corner and shiv them, SOMETHING.)

While I would agree, I also generally feel almost anything can be improved by adding X THING THAT I LIKE. For instance I long considered Dances with Wolves to be one of the most boring wastes of time I ever spent money on, and told my friend that I'd only ever watch it again if they added aliens or something. Years later Avatar came out, and I loved it. 😝

Some people just like more or less pointless social gatherings that are just an excuse to get a bunch of people in a room together, explicitly without any larger goal or inclusion of sub-plots. This doesn't really address @Arkandel's sniper scenario, I'm just commented on the bit I quoted. Different strokes and all that.


And yet they gave them a book with stats.

I know, and its sad. So sad.

I found them overly simplistic for beings that are supposed to be alien and unknowable. Then again, I was running smack into inflexible players at the same time.

Is that for use anywhere? I was under the impression that Keepers didn't have normal stats when in their Arcadian realms, but only when they left them for the Hedge (constrained but still vastly powerful) and in the 'real' world where they were bound to more concrete rules and diminished heavily. It always seemed like that was why they were loathe to leave their realms, because while there they have Contracts and control over everything around them, in the real world they were limited in a manner that might actually make them killable.

Is this not the case?