Dec 19, 2016, 12:37 PM

@Griatch said in What is out there? Hard and soft codebases of choice.:

This is a very important point. For all the "bridging power" of mushcode, how many can actually use it to the level of, you know, creating a new game from scratch? I am not familiar enough with the MUSH community to know this number, but I suspect that it's not a large number.

You'd be surprised.

I know several people just within my one tiny subset of MUs that could get a game up-and-running themselves quickly. Partially, this is because installing MU (as has been noted) is generally super easy, especially if you go to a MU* host, where they give you a working environment and all you have to do is upload, extract, and start your MUSH.

I think everyone acknowledges that MU is archaic, but it's also got a very low barrier to entry, and that's what Evennia lacks for me.

I wish the project luck. I think it has great potential. But I think, as someone else in the thread said, it might not be the right solution for bringing MUSH into the 21st century.

(I also acknowledge that, as a grown-up with a kid and a job and everything, I don't have the time and energy that I did 20 years ago to sit and learn a whole new system just to support my hobby. Maybe some youngster will figure it out for me.)