Dec 25, 2016, 12:08 AM


Python knows nothing about mushes, it's just a language. That is what Evennia is for - it supplies the resources relevant for use in a mu environment. If resources are missing we can add them or have them as optional contribs.

It's quite clear that Python has many, many more help resources than mushcode has as a language, simply because so many more people use Python in the world than mushcode. But there is no denying that by comparison very few use Python for the specific use of creating a Mu - as far as Python goes, Evennia is one of the few runners in that race. Here mushcode has decades of lead; it's after all the only thing mushcode is used for, anywhere (as far as I know?).

Now, I personally agree with @faraday that someone who mastered something like mushcode should be well in place for learning something like Python or Ruby. The workflow may be the more jarring aspect (as has been discussed at length here). So if you know mushcode already and it fulfills all your needs for the games you want to create, I agree you may very well be best off sticking to it. The toolboxes offered by Evennia (or Ares) and the workflow they work best with is not necessarily the right fit for everyone.