Yes, a Kushiel Game!
Might I suggest maybe some other elements make it a little more unique than just a 'Kushiel game'?
I don't know what those might be, but I am tossing it out there.
Yes, a Kushiel Game!
Might I suggest maybe some other elements make it a little more unique than just a 'Kushiel game'?
I don't know what those might be, but I am tossing it out there.
@Songtress we are receptive to suggestions.
@Ominous Their wiki wasn't bad in terms of the info they had available -- it was pretty good on that front -- but the organization of that info could have been one heck of a lot better, to be sure.
@surreality I mean that I hate doing wiki stuff in general. I don't like fiddling with wiki pages.
Cool, well I was wondering about an L&L game perhaps set in a 'modern' era, I mean most games take place in the past, what of an L&L game set in a more modern asthetic-like era?
Perhaps some of the technological advancements took place and others didn't.
Maybe the angels returned briefly, and then left. But Terre d'Ange saw a rise in the blood of angels and power? Nothing crazy, but just a little more. Perhaps people started stealing D'angel children to claim that blood for their families.... and that started some of the other revolutions. Radios, and 'tv-like projections?
So more a fantastical-future L&L game, still with the Night Court (perhaps it spread to the entire world and now there are Night courts and various other affiliated courtesan entities across the world? I mean healing and good health with modern medicine combined with angelic blood could make for an interesting modern world.
Perhaps new Angels descended (instead of Elua's companions) and started a new 'Terre d'Ange' like city?
I am throwing things at the dart board.
Wasn't that Five Worlds or something like that? Or at least Space L&L.
Not in Space... that's too much.
@Faceless Fifth World you're probably thinking of.
@Monogram that's it, yeah!
@Songtress Well of course not, the way you put it. It needs all caps and more A's. Get the enthusiasm pumping. Imagine it being read by Brian Blessed.
A modern take, or something along the lines of a 19th century take, might be really cool. My first thought re: modern was something along the line of a tv show called "Kings" that came out some years ago.
@Cupcake said in Kushiel Game:
A modern take, or something along the lines of a 19th century take, might be really cool. My first thought re: modern was something along the line of a tv show called "Kings" that came out some years ago.
OMG I thought I was the only person who ever saw that show. LOVED it. It would make a very neat game setting.
Sadly, I think it ended up dying due to being in that weird zone between 'is a retake on religious stories, so non-religious folk or people averse to such avoided it, but was not zealously rah rah rah religion yay find your way to Jesus' enough for the religious crowd. Which is sigh-worthy, because it was really interesting and quite good. A few shows seem to have fallen into that particular niche once in a while and rarely do they seem to survive. There was another called 'Miracles' wayyyyyyy back when that encountered a similar fate (though it was more akin to a religious take on X-Files, on the whole).
I would also be happy to lend a hand with the new game. I was involved in a lot of things on the game in the past, starting back before Skaldia was head wiz, through the change-over to the new +sheet system. Helped with the wiki, and some of the theme stuff.
@surreality Holy damn I think I remember Miracles.
@surreality I remember Kings. Loved it as well. Was very disappointed that it was canceled.
I've got it on DVD and still revisit it on occasion. On top of the religious uncanny valley aspect of it, I think the alt-history quality of it took it into speculative fiction territory a lot of NBC viewers weren't comfortable (back when TV shows had massive audiences, it might do better today now that things are more fragmented). It's one of those things I'm just happy exists and got enough episodes to feel like a "story," because it's such a fine little curio piece.
Never heard of Miracles, but yeah, that might do better today.
I think starting fresh might be a good diea. using Terre d'ange is a jumping off point. I mean there is a lot of potential. To move the game into a Victorian-esque setting. Phantom of the Opera/Victorian/BloodBorne esque (less Cthulu mind you)
@Cupcake That was considered but voted down. But that had come to my mind too! I loved Kings.
@darksprite Noted. When it's time for wiki and the like, we'll be putting the call out. We're right now settling on when, and a few other details.