Fear and Loathing
Well that's what you get for assuming, I never said when I started my app in my original post. I also was never passive aggressive and said 'I was probably just unlucky'. You assumptions make you think I was being passive aggressive which I wasn't, I was just checking MUsoap at one point, saw FandL in my unread and dropped my thing when I happened to be not busy working my ass off or sleeping. Maybe you're the one that needs to tone down and reevaluate what other people might be doing or thinking before you go spouting off what people should or shouldn't do.
If you're talking about me being passive aggressive with my answer to 'that math doesn't add up' all I did was say 'Here's what it was', there was no passive aggressiveness intended in adding in the facts of the situation so people were no longer confused. Read last sentence from above paragraph.
Hint: This is what I'm like when I'm aggressive, there's no need to be passive aggressive in written word when you can just be aggressive. Edit: well unless it's part of a character or story I suppose but that's no the topic at hand!
@magee101 said in Fear and Loathing:
Well that's what you get for assuming, I never said when I started my app in my original post.
That's...my point. Again, you said:
Tried to app in, waited around three days with no activity on my application so I just kinda forgot about it and walked away.
...So, you walked away after roughly 72 hours. Someone else says "it was lucky if -any- game had a turn around earlier than a week! So I don't think it's that big of a deal if it's just a few days," and then you come back with
Alright ya'll guilt tripped me into at least looking at it, it was only 11 days before someone noticed the app was even sitting there
You waited the extra days to bring it to someone's attention, you walked away at three, bringing up that it's been 11 days total after they explained the delay is completely passive aggressive and besides the point dude. But yeah, our bad for making assumptions.
I didn't "wait", I got busy working and just didn't think about it nor go to Musoapbox for nearly a week because I was... Oh wait lemme see... busy working I think? Yeah that was it. There was no passive aggressive intent I just dropped it when I dropped it because that's when it even came to my memory that I -HAD- an application at the game. I was trying to be light hearted and humorous. You read far too much into things that were not even remotely intended, the most passive aggressive person in this conversation thus far is you sir. Have a good day.
Nnnnno, I'm the one actually being aggressive-aggressive, because I find your behavior here shitty and I'm directly calling you on it. You're the one constantly rephrasing events and trying to play it all off to place your actions in the thread in a better light even though they're literally one page back. But whatever, good day to you too.
No one is at fault except myself really for getting space cadet status and forgetting about the game entirely after three days of no activity on the application. As the conversation continued I just filled people in on the facts and tried to be a little funny about it because I thought it was just funny all around that I'd A) forgotten about it entirely until I saw an update on this conversation and B) that it was eleven days before any of the Staff noticed it. I also found it funny that the +job was closed three days after it was replied to but I can understand why, considering I hadn't logged in in 11 days, see the funny there? Anyways, yeah was just trying to be a jester and if that came off as passive aggressive to some folks well then I apologize and do know that it was never intended to be anything other than a transparent discourse of the situation at hand and me trying to be humorous about the situation. -
@Wizz said in Fear and Loathing:
Nnnnno, I'm the one actually being aggressive-aggressive, because I find your behavior here shitty and I'm directly calling you on it. You're the one constantly rephrasing events and trying to play it all off to place your actions in the thread in a better light even though they're literally one page back. But whatever, good day to you too.
You're not helping.
I've made countless of applications, and thereafter waited. In some cases, I didn't come back because I do get busy from time to time on other games or in real life.
I didn't read @magee101 as a knock on staff at all. There's no obligation in starting a character to complete it. Waiting 72 hours is arguably unreasonable for a response, but it happens -- and I don't see @magee101 going on a campaign about it. In fact, @magee101 seems to have made another character that was approved rather quickly.
Don't lose sight of the forest through the trees. It makes no sense to rag on a player that seems to be happily playing on your game.
I mean, I applied there, played for a bit, then had to ditch because life was busy and I had to make some cuts. That has nothing at all to do with the quality of RP or staff on the game.
Tried to app in, waited around three days with no activity on my application so I just kinda forgot about it and walked away. Hopefully CG time improves? Maybe I was just unlucky? The CG system felt very... barebones which was both good and bad. Hope all goes well and folks enjoy themselves but don't think I'll be visiting again.
@Botulism: So sorry about that! We usually get people approved quickly, but we've had a Sphere Eiz out, and RL hitting me and another. Hope you'll accept my apology and give us another try!
@Paris: You apped right when we were scrambling to deal with RL explosion for a few days, I found the character.As Botulism said, things are less hairy now, if you want ro give us another shot.
@magee101: I don't mind waiting as long as I get at least a 'Hey might be busy, but took a quick look.' Just little updates that say "Hey we're active, just too busy to sit down and finish the app today" If a guy is sitting around in a room with another guy and neither one talks, eventually someone is going to walk out of the room is all.
Alright ya'll guilt tripped me into at least looking at it, it was only 11 days before someone noticed the app was even sitting thereI might maybe just might finish up the app.
@Blood_Magic: That math doesn't quite add up to me, but hey, you came back.
@magee101: The date of the @mail I received from opening the app and the date of the @mail sent when it was responded to was 11 days.<insert me calling @magee101 on it>
@magee101: No one is at fault except myself really for getting space cadet status and forgetting about the game entirely after three days of no activity on the application. As the conversation continued I just filled people in on the facts and tried to be a little funny about it because I thought it was just funny all around that I'd A) forgotten about it entirely until I saw an update on this conversation
Yep, magee totally owned their part in not getting a response from the start and mentioned that it was their fault it'd been 11 days total right away, didn't blame anyone else, and they were totally being light-hearted and funny about it the whole time.
The only thing HI-LARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! about this is that some people think you can somehow gaslight a forum.
Don't lose sight of the forest through the trees. It makes no sense to rag on a player that seems to be happily playing on your game.
It's not my game, I don't even play there. All was well that ended well until they brought up the timeline after the apology. I really don't like behavior like that, but I am more than willing to admit that I am just butting in and being a total asshole in response to something that irks me and I will drop it.
To be fair, I've had to wait a lot longer to hear a first response on an app on more than one occasion. If three days is enough for someone to space cadet on the game and, from what it feels like to me, write it off as a lost cause or whatever, perhaps it's more on the complainant instead of the ones the complaint is being leveled at?
@Apu said in Fear and Loathing:
To be fair, I've had to wait a lot longer to hear a first response on an app on more than one occasion. If three days is enough for someone to space cadet on the game and, from what it feels like to me, write it off as a lost cause or whatever, perhaps it's more on the complainant instead of the ones the complaint is being leveled at?
Hence my TL;DR, which my first post wasn't really supposed to be a complaint, more a 'Hey this was my experience with the game' comment. Of course this is the internet so it was also my bad for assuming that a comment that has negative tones to it could still be taken neutrally. I'll work on mah leet net skills yo.
@Wizz said in Fear and Loathing:
I really don't like behavior like that, but I am more than willing to admit that I am just butting in and being a total asshole in response to something that irks me and I will drop it.
I'm very much the same way, so if you'll drop it and admit to being a total asshole butting in on a conversation that really doesn't even, on the surface, seem to be much of a complaint, I'm for it.
Fair enough.
I apologise for how long it took and hopefully things will be ok from here on out.
No, no, no, no. How dare any of you claim credit for this! I'M the one being passive-aggressive. After all, I haven't quoted anyone! HAHAHA, you two were arguing and it was all my sadistic plot!
Seriously though, it's all cool. I think maybe I started this, because text is a bitch to convey emotion with, unless... you're emoting. Blithely typing keys in a drug induced fervor, he states If you ever need to know my tone, just imagine me as snoopy laughing. You know, nose pointed up in the air, paws smashing keys wildly.
Why's the other guys' comment even matter? I say, personally, you both make chars on FandL and battle it out in the streets so we can all watch.... Please? I haven't had a Battle Royale in... oh, heh, it's only been a day. Still, come on in.
@Blood_Magic said in Fear and Loathing:
If you ever need to know my I say, personally, you both make chars on FandL and battle it out in the streets so we can all watch.... Please? I haven't had a Battle Royale in... oh, heh, it's only been a day. Still, come on in.
Or join the vampire sphere.