Overwatch, anyone?
Bastion has become the bane of my existence. One on a team is bad enough but two or more?
I play a lot of Junkrat, so Bastion is kind of a joke to me. Also Genji is great against him.
I had a six Genji vs six Bastion game last night. The ninjas stomped so hard.
I kill Bastion with D.Va all the time (It's all about the rocket propelled flight to the face with the defense shield up to knock him off his perch). Bastion can be nasty but he is more easily countered than Junkrat or Torbjorn. Any time you get multiple turrets set up in a crossfire though things get gross. About the only thing you can do is bring in Air Superiority with Pharah and corner rocket them down. Or get above them if it's a bastion.
@Lithium said in Overwatch, anyone?:
I kill Bastion with D.Va all the time (It's all about the rocket propelled flight to the face with the defense shield up to knock him off his perch).
You can also counter Bastion really easily with Roadhog. Do the Scorpion kill, and no more turret! Also, D.Va: as stated, run up and crush. Same with Reinhardt.
Reload times are a bitch, and there are more than enough folks with shielding and healing that can outlast a barrage. Also, Bastion in turret mode is a target. My team tonight kept kicking Bastion's ass by rushing with D.Va with Widowmakers in back. And I've had great times with Soldier: 76 by tossing the healing beacon, and triple-missile the turret, and then hit it with the heavy assault rifle.
That said, I love Bastion. He's easy to use, but I wouldn't go so far to say that he unbalances the game severely. Tore through 35+ opponents without dying, but mainly because our Mercy healer was spot on.
I just love that Bastion can heal himself AND turn into a tank!
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrt! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrt! Brrrt! BRRRRRRRRRRT!
By the by, I don't know if the game cross-platforms, and I figure you're all computer gamers, but my PS4 handle is LowVirtualMemory, in case anyone wants to go rampaging in this game, or in SW: Battlefront.
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So, I've put a few hours into Overwatch now and played all the heroes at least a wee bit. I'm gonna do a list of my take on the heroes and their uses or something. Because I'm bored.
Genji - Great counter to shooty heroes but his ult is lackluster. Somewhat easy to play with a moderate skill cap.
McCree - I want to like this guy, but everything he does? Someone else does better. Middle of the road hero. Sometimes you just wanna be a cowboy though, and he's your guy.
Pharah - Very powerful hero. Great against snipers, great at mid-range, and can easily escape close range combat. Her ult is one of the better ones in the game. Easy to learn, easy to play.
Reaper - He's the 'cool badass killer' guy. Easy to play with a good damage output. He's kind of a middle of the road guy overall but I can't seem to make him work in situations that require more than just 'close range damage'.
Soldier: 76 - Mr. Call of Duty. Super easy for FPS fans to learn but my lord is he whitebread compared to the other heroes. He can fill in for a team that needs just a little more healing which is cool, though.
Tracer - Fuck you so hard, Tracer. I hate you. Because I can't play you. Super duper high skill cap. A good Tracer player can wreck you all day, every day, but my old fingers just can't pull off the twitchy super fast reflexes required for her. She's terrible, terrible at holding points however. Never stop moving with her. Ever.
Bastion - Probably the easiest defense hero to play. If your team is bad? Hide around a corner, get a couple kills, then move. If your team is good? Prepare to get a ton of kills like the douchy turret you are.
Hanzo - Half sniper, half utility. His radar is great. His split arrow is good for clearing out a hallway. His ult will force enemies out of an area, which is great for zone control. I don't suggest him for newbies though. He's so vulnerable at close range.
Junkrat - Somehow he's my favorite despite hating his voice and his lines. v_v Great on defense, great on offense. He's got a pretty decent skillcap, and if you're bad (like me) you can just spam your grenades and hope for the best. His bear trap is good for stopping those filthy flanking offense heroes.
Mei - Overpowered. So good. So, so, so good. I don't play her much but when I do, so good. If you freeze an offense hero you can pop them in the head with an icicle for an instant easy kill. You can wall off areas and self-heal.
Torbjorn - It sucks to see the 'play of the game' just be some midget hitting a turret with a hammer over and over. Honestly though, everything he does? Bastion does better. He's really not that great unless you've got a good team to protect your turret.
Widowmaker - Standard boring sniper. Good at her role but otherwise kind of uninspiring -aside- from her freaking awesome grappling hook which is the coolest way to travel. Forever.
D.va - I didn't like her at first. But then I figured out that you're supposed to boost-move before you use her ult and use it to clear an area, then hop back in a new mech. She's actually pretty good. Not my favorite, but pretty good. Very high skill cap due to her mobility.
Reinhardt - Super good. A good Reinhardt player can pretty much carry his team to victory on escort missions. He's pretty much required for those. Weak against being flanked but he's got super high HP so even that's not fatal. I'd suggest everyone learn how to play him because there's just no team that's not better for having him.
Roadhog - Fat fatty. Fun to play but deceptively low damage for how scary he is. Great at forcing people out of position, though. And he's good at wiping out careless offense heroes who let themselves get hooked.
Winston - Just a disruption/area control hero. He's good at it, but don't count on him for damage.
Zarya - I want to like her. She's cool. I like her theme and feel. But... she just doesn't do much. At least that I've seen.
Lucio - I hated him at first, but then I played him. No real damage but his auras are so, so good. It's hard to notice the difference between a team with a Lucio and a team without, but it's there. And his ult is great for countering other ults.
Mercy - Awesome theme. Best direct healer in the game. I want the devil/imp skins. v_v But aside from healing she can't do anything else. Her ult is fantastic for saving allies who let themselves get caught by an enemy ult though. It's a great do-over.
Symmetra - I don't know why she's called a support. Her shield is so tiny! It's not much at all. But her turrets are great, and her teleporter ult is too. I like her, I do. But if she's your only 'support' on the team you're gonna need self-healing heroes. Heals are super important in this game.
Zenyatta - I don't like playing him but he's really good. He's got pretty decent healing and can do some serious damage-buffing too.
All in all though, I play all the heroes. Because it seems it's more important to have a good team comp than playing heroes you're 'good' at. Even if you're bad at filling a role you're helping your team by just being there.
If all you're doing with Torb is banging on turrets you're doing it wrong. Torb has great damage on his own, and his armor can save games alone.
Pick a /good/ spot for a turret that will suppress an area, specifically something with crossfire with a bastion (or another turret) so they protect each other and deny the objective. Then run around with torb and grenade/shotgun blast people in the face.
His ultimate /wrecks/ people, and that's with his main gun.
If all a person does is babysit a turret with Torb they are not playing anywhere near remotely to his potential imho.
Winston played well is almost impossible to stop because he is even more mobile than D.Va in many ways. The shield bubble is great, and his main attack is short range, but AoE. His ultimate is also pretty nasty if used well.
Torb just isn't able to put out the damage even with his ult. He's just not mobile enough/survivable enough.
As for Winston? Yeah he's super mobile too and his shield is great. But his damage output is poop. Poop!
@Admiral Your experience with Torb, and mine, are two totally different things. Torb can two shot offensive characters with his basic attack, the shotgun will tear up even Reinhardt if you get him without his shield up and at close range (assuming you live through close range, I've found sneaking through the shield and hitting from behing to work well).
I've also had games where I did over 15,000 damage with Torb, and some games where I only did 5000. There's a lot of variables involved.
@Lithium said in Overwatch, anyone?:
If all a person does is babysit a turret with Torb they are not playing anywhere near remotely to his potential imho.
Same here.
The turret is great for a decoy. If I don't have Bastion around, I'll stick the turret atop the payload on offense or defense, modify it, and then camp out elsewhere. When the Zerg rush hits, take 'em from behind and no one will notice because everyone will be focused on taking out the turret.
Winston played well is almost impossible to stop because he is even more mobile than D.Va in many ways. The shield bubble is great, and his main attack is short range, but AoE. His ultimate is also pretty nasty if used well.
I dislike playing as Winston because he can't compare in kills with others. That said, the fun part about Winston is taking the high road and dropping behind a defensive team. Most people keep their sights on the ground troops first.
That said, I love playing as Bastion. I really do. Call me "cheap," but there are so many ways to stop me that I don't feel bad about it. I can't help it if the entire opposing team wants to rush on the ground.
@Ganymede Some non-rhetorical questions - I have very little experience in FPSs.
I played as Mercy for a few games in random groups and it was pretty painful. For starters I often healed like crazy and my team-mates weren't winning - sometimes after the game I couldn't see any of the 3 healer types on the other team, so what gives? Did they suck or is healing not that crucial in Overwatch (given it's my preferred type of gameplay)?
Also and this is more of a L2P thing, Mercy is so fragile. I've been 1-2 shot before although I always try to play the angles and stay behind my team-mates - somewhere toward the side, partially covered by walls making people chase me... is that also a matter of the group not protecting the healer or is it something I'd just need to learn to deal with?
Final question! Is there a social element in OW? Clans/guilds so I won't have to play with randoms and there are actual strategies involved other than 'let's all go out and shoot at red things'?
@Ganymede One of my friends plays Winston religiously and I play D.Va or Mercy (If we don't have a support) and he and I are /always/ top 2 in damage and eliminations in a game. It's pretty crazy. I die more with D.Va than he does, but I get more kills.
The last game we played together I had 26 kills and 3 deaths, he had 21 kills and 1 death, but Mercy followed him more than me.
Winston is /difficult/ to play well, but he can be an absolute beast because he has a lot of AoE which refills his ultimate special pretty fast.
I'm nowhere near as good as my friend when I try to use Winston but I have nabbed play of the game where I killed the whole enemy team without even using an Ulti.
Winston is all about choice: You have to /choose/ to take some damage, to dish it out. Winston is attack, disengage, attack, disengage. Rinse and repeat and use Ulti's a /lot/ because not only does it refresh often if you play that way, but it heals you to full when you use it.
@Arkandel said in Overwatch, anyone?:
I played as Mercy for a few games in random groups and it was pretty painful. For starters I often healed like crazy and my team-mates weren't winning - sometimes after the game I couldn't see any of the 3 healer types on the other team, so what gives? Did they suck or is healing not that crucial in Overwatch (given it's my preferred type of gameplay)?
Healing is pointless if you aren't taking damage, so use Mercy to bump offensive abilities in combat and heal when waiting for the next wave OR if your tank(s) are taking too much fire. Healing's not as crucial as beating the living shit out of your opponent. If your Bastion player has any skill, boost his offensive capabilities, and you've got a good shot of winning at anything.
Also and this is more of a L2P thing, Mercy is so fragile. I've been 1-2 shot before although I always try to play the angles and stay behind my team-mates - somewhere toward the side, partially covered by walls making people chase me... is that also a matter of the group not protecting the healer or is it something I'd just need to learn to deal with?
Deal with. Some players like to pick off healer's first. Remember that the staff kind of has a bendy-arc thingie, so once you lock in, you can hide behind a corner or better cover. Nothing you can do if the other team wants to hit your first, though.
Final question! Is there a social element in OW? Clans/guilds so I won't have to play with randoms and there are actual strategies involved other than 'let's all go out and shoot at red things'?
Most experienced players can plug-and-play into a group. I've given my handle if you're on the PS4. The good part of Overwatch is that the game tells you what you may want to pick at the starting screen.
Some characters are more forgiving for new players than others. Stick with Mercy, Bastion, and Soldier: 76 if you're starting out. If you want to take a tank, I'd suggest Reinhardt or Roadhog.
Winston is all about choice: You have to /choose/ to take some damage, to dish it out. Winston is attack, disengage, attack, disengage. Rinse and repeat and use Ulti's a /lot/ because not only does it refresh often if you play that way, but it heals you to full when you use it.
Yeah, I'm not as good at close-fighting; I prefer picking them off from afar with superior firepower. My best game -- and this probably isn't impressive, I don't know -- is 38 kills to 0 deaths.
I'm not saying Winston isn't good; I just don't have the experience with him to say that he is good or bad. His strategies aren't in my skillset, but I'll give him another go of it at some point.
@Arkandel Everyone in overwatch is fragile. Even the tanks really. The only one who isn't fragile is Reinhardt due to the 2000 health shield.
Mercy dies fast BUT Mercy heals fast too. You just have to get out of combat and she'll heal up on her own.
Also, Mercy's pistol actually does GOOD damage. So in a pinch swap from healstick to pistol and mow people down. It's a trick I learned from playing D.Va she actually does more damage outside of her mech, than in it seems like.
@Ganymede 38 and 0 is better than anything I've ever done. I willingly sacrifice myself to push the team back so I will die. There is no such thing as a perfect game for me
I mean I have done it, but it wasn't intentional.
I am one of those players who wants to win, so I don't hunt for kills or worry about my safety if my death helps us win, then off to spectatorville I go
I only have Overwatch on the PC myself. I can't imagine I'd be /any/ good with a controller at all.
I don't really consider sitting in a good spot and mowing down people rushing down a corridor at me going out of my way to get kills, but I brought it up more to point out that Bastion suits my play-style for gunfights: take the superior vantage point.
Which was, for this round, sitting atop of a slowly-moving truck, like a good turret.