Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
@Arkandel said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@Kanye-Qwest said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
to the way it means people pose these bloated 3 to 4 paragraph poses, trying to address everything that's been done or said since their last 'turn' to pose.
It's mostly the latter that bugs me the most, as it kills any narrative immersion and also makes it take like twenty minutes for people to pose.
Well, sure, and we all got pet peeves... but I don't see how that is affected by pose order whether it's supported by an in-game system or not.
I can play in perfect order and still respond to everything anyone does trying to take over the scene.
If there's a strict pose order in a big scene and people have to save all of their reactions for one pose, you end up with the giant "I have to respond to everyone" pose. I think KQ is saying that if people were more free to respond to things as they come, it would be easier and read more naturally.
@Roz said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
If there's a strict pose order in a big scene and people have to save all of their reactions for one pose, you end up with the giant "I have to respond to everyone" pose. I think KQ is saying that if people were more free to respond to things as they come, it would be easier and read more naturally.
Anyone playing in a large scene who resists using the 3PR is a monster and should be put down for their own good.
But conversely even with it I've seen people try to do all of the things. I've seen it happen on Arx, for that matter, explicitly. With 3PR - what, there are injured people around but there are other medics present other than myself? No matter - here's a 2-line pose about running around healing everyone.
We can't fix inconsiderate players either by having or not having a system in place. But maybe a system could help the rest of the players.
@Arkandel OR it would turn the players into ravening fun-policers, so ready to chastise someone for daring to step outside a pose order or do All the Things that they are willing to champion it for games they don't even play!*
*Like you, I'm talking shit on you, and what you're doing right now. In case that wasn't clear.
@Kanye-Qwest said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@Arkandel OR it would turn the players into ravening fun-policers, so ready to chastise someone for daring to step outside a pose order or do All the Things that they are willing to champion it for games they don't even play!*
*Like you, I'm talking shit on you, and what you're doing right now. In case that wasn't clear.
I'm perfectly okay with you talking shit on me... if it's over something I did. Then I can defend it or admit I was wrong, both of which I'm known to do.
But I never championed stepping outside a pose order and I certainly don't support Doing All The Things.
What I did do was be okay with having a system (that someone else requested!) which keeps track of who is normally supposed to pose next so people don't need to wonder who's next or forget if it's their turn. It's just supposed to be for that, tracking... and no more mandatory than a RP seeking flag system where, if someone comes to your room, you'd somehow be obligated to play with them.
Conversely opinions and suggestions should be judged on their own merit. Let the person who never posts anything on games they don't play cast the first stone.
I personally hate pose order tracking systems because they encourage exactly the pose order police attitude KQ is concerned about here.
It wasn't your turn to post.
I'm sorry, @Roz this is a closed scene. As you can see, you're not in the pose-order code.
@Roz Look, just because you don't build rooms for your folk, doesn't mean all of us are that stingy.
@Glitch bff status reVOKED
@Roz You can't revoke it. It's FOR LIFE.
@Roz said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
If there's a strict pose order in a big scene and people have to save all of their reactions for one pose, you end up with the giant "I have to respond to everyone" pose. I think KQ is saying that if people were more free to respond to things as they come, it would be easier and read more naturally.
Insisting on responding to everything in a big scene isn't realistic whether it's done in one huge monster pose or if it's done by interjecting oneself every few poses. No matter how it's done, I always get an image of a little fairy flitting here, there, and everywhere whenever any single player insists that they do & see all the things!
This just in: People Occasionally Act Like Dicks. News at 11.
The way I've seen pose order (on muds) has been as a command people can invoke as needed ("turns"). When that's called, emoting turns is enforced in that location. I've only seen it used in very crowded scenes to manage a chaotic rate of emotes; this is when people's varying writing speeds become an issue. People would use it to stem the tide and avoid being overwhelmed or stressed out. Has worked fine far the times I saw it implemented.
Following pose order is easy: Remember who is before you. That's it.
@Thenomain said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
Following pose order is easy: Remember who is before you. That's it.
And yet, people constantly ask, 'is it my turn'? or 'who are we waiting on?'
On Marvel:1963, the answer is: ooc +po
And its not a small game.
And no one harasses anyone. In big scenes we often do 3pr, but in combat events and some sorts of things taking turns just works better.
As for people who hate pose orders and want to just pose whenever, the problem I have with that is it means if you can type fast you are talking constantly and railroading everyone else. Having some structure to when to pose is a good thing, IMHO.
You know the answer to those who can type fast enough to railroad everyone?
'Don't be a dick.'
I like 3pr because there always seems to be that one person taking 20-30 minutes to pose that you just wait and wait and wait and people have to leave and...
3pr. Don't be a dick.
It's not that hard. And if someone's being a dick? Call them out on it. Don't turn around and punish everyone else.
There's nothing that grinds a scene to a halt faster than slavish dedication to pose order. Especially when people wander AFK without saying anything or just aren't tracking the scene. I don't skip order to steal the spotlight/railroad people/be the answer to everything. I skip order to stop scenes from bogging down in stultifying slowness while people dither around trying to decide what to do/what's okay to pose/whose turn is it/whatever.
Nothing throws me out of a scene more than extended periods of silence while no one is posing. I find it very frustrating and immersion-breaky.
Who the hell is talking about punishing anyone (let alone everyone) or slavish dedication to a pose order?