The Descent MUX
Any chance mage 2.0 will be brought in later?
shakes magic 8-ball
No. Still doesn't look like it will play well with others.
Not at all. After reviewing Mage, I think it's even more of a nightmare now in a crossover sense than it ever has been before. Demon, likewise, won't be a thing for similar reasons.
For right now, it will only be Vampire and Werewolf, because it's the easiest to work with in a multisphere setting. Though, I wouldn't mind seeing Beast added later. And possibly Promethean, once we get a chance to look at the new version.
Alas. I haven't read the new version but gmc cleared a few things up so I had hope for it. Maybe someone will do a mage only game. Or I will. Of course my wife would kill me for trying to run a game but...
I'm going to suggest you think about looking into the Evennia codebase. It runs off Python, which I'm actually in the process of learning right now, and @volund actually is working on a NWOD port for his existing PennMUSH stuff (last I heard he had some RL stuff going on though) so maybe you can chat with him about it a bit for more info. (He's written up all sorts of really neat stuff for Penn but has spoken very very highly of going to the Evennia codebase.) Softcode is, apparently, pretty byzantine to deal with and coders can be hard to get and keep around, so learning a little DIY might be beneficial even if it's nothing more than figuring out how to automate certain types of jobs.
Aiming high is good, but it sounds like you guys have an end product in mind but haven't worked through a lot of the more basic mechanics yet. This impression is based solely on skimming through this thread, so I might be wrong.
If I am not wrong:
A conflict-oriented post-apocalyptic multisphere WoDverse seems to me that it would need a number of house rules and systems in order to account for sphere balance, scavenging, crafting, building, etc., and the best you can do to streamline the process is fully automate as much as you can. Because a post-apoc game needs what I would consider more than average staff attention for RP, at least to get started (where a standard WoDverse might be able to rely more on monster of the week PRPs to keep it alive), I guess I'm wondering how you guys plan to make it all work.
The PennMUSH code for nWoD is pretty much complete. It's on my Github under the storyteller section.It was originally made for nWoD, not Chronicles of Darkness, and I'm having trouble remembering how complete the conversion to CoD is.
The code for Exalted 2e and 3e works fine.
Progress on Evennia is slowed drastically at the moment. In fact most of my coding is. My grandma recently went into a nursing home when her alzheimers/dementia got to be too much, drying up my only source of income - my 'job' was taking care of her. Now I need to rapidly learn a lot of life skills and get a job. I'm too stressed out to code much at the moment. I suspect things will bounce back up within a few months. Probably won't have as much free time, but I'll get this done. Eventually.
I don't know much about Penn. I'm reluctant to try and swap from mux to penn when we've already got a ton done with news/help files, bboard posts, the grid... That's a lot of work to pack up and swap for an incomplete 2.0 system.
Sucls about your gramma
Dementia is hell for everyone involved.
And for @vorpal: Fuck cancer, too. Sorry to hear about so much health deterioration of late.
@acceleration Sorry for the delay in reply - I think I was 99% asleep earlier when I read your post.
I'm really not wanting to run with 1.0 content, or play 'halfsies' where I pick and choose what I want to use from what version. To me, that's like slapping together a car that's half Ford and half Chevy and calling it 'good' when all that comes of mixing the different makes is a lessening of overall performance. Sure, the pieces fit, but... Should it be done?
I'm also not looking to hand hold and balance the spheres. That's part of why I'm sticking to Vamp and Wolf. The two splats play rather nicely together with some ability overlap, but plenty of room for the two to mesh, also. Both can do vicious combat things, both can do wicked social stuff. It's not my job to level the playing field by creating massive amounts of HR red tape that gets in -everyone's- way. I'm not interesting in doing things that make it harder/slower/more frustrating to get through chargen and onto the game and making stories.
There are plans in place to get a good crafting system put together. I'm hoping to get something that's like the grid vs grid system - Simple, easy to learn, but with many and varied means and outcomes. It'll have to cover mundane crafting. I'll need to read more on the book-rules for relic making. The only ones I'm familiar with are the remade (and broken) changeling token rules and the relic rules they use on FC at current.
I realize that some merits (a few vamp social merits, for example) will /have/ to HR'd.
I realize that wanting to run straight 2.0 probably sits funny with people. (But whyyyyy can't we have X goodie from Y book in the /old/ game? Because, Timmy, I don't like mixing versions. With the new xp system and waaay different power levels, and seeing the trouble that TR and FC have had with their hodgepodgeness? I'm not interested in running that kind of game. Sorry. That road leads to too many HR's and runs the risk of getting ugly.)
I know that my desire for slow xp growth, low handouts as freebie xp, and high payouts for active people isn't going to sit well. I know it won't win me any favors with a handful of people here, but I think that the ones willing to ST, willing to help build the world, and make stories, and spend hours making fun happen for other people should get extra goodies for it. Do the work, get the goody. The rp gods know how few and far between good, consistent st's are.
If I can get a coder on board (or even one just... willing to -show me- how to do it, where to start. I'm more than willing to learn!), I have plans to try and automate a fair number of things to alleviate staff burden and help with burn out.
Until we can get things automated, I have no problem with 'getting stuck' doing all that prep-work so that my other staffers can spend more time doing what is needed for their pieces of the game. That's my job, in my mind, as a game owner. Support my staff, ease their burnout, encourage more communication all around, help st things, but mostly slog through the unpleasant bits so they can focus on the important things - story, setting, theme, etc.
tl;dr - Crafting system? Yes. tons of hr's and balancing the spheres? No. Is my concept and vision going to chafe some people? Maybe! But that's alright. Code stuck? Yup, but I'm wiling to do the grunt work and as much as possible, if someone is willing to teach me. Until things are automated? I can do the gruntwork to help my staff focus on the important parts of a game - story, progress, and pc's.
Sorry it turned into a long post >.> and wandered a bit <.<
Peers from afar and adds this to a watch list of.. things..
Hmm.. probably should get back into Mushing.. I've got nothing better to do..
Watching for maybe!
We are 3 grid room descs, and two codey bits to fix away from opening (Notes and Conditions are wonky, and we can't figure out why).
+ic/+ooc code and meetme code would be awesome, but I can't seem to find either of those a pre-made widgets. This makes me sad.
If anyone wants to come in and pre-app, offer suggestions, pitch ideas, and be part of a 'please don't hurt me' soft-ish open (By soft I mean, there's more code I want but we have the bare minimum in and the wiki needs work still, but all in-game helpfiles are in.)
No BG's required, though once we get the notes system up and running, there will be an option for Defining Moments, so tracking these things for yourselves will be encouraged.
So, apparently there are rumors floating about that TDM is a pvp/pk game. That's not the case at all. I just suck at writing files, apparently.
I will be working to rectify this with a mission statement, and statements of intent for the things that seem like they might be angled for pushing pk/pvp play.
I must say that the impression I got from discussion here was that it was going to be a pvp centered game.
after all in the first post the thread one of the goals, in fact the first goal listed which tend to imply primacy was,@Taika said in The Descent MUX:
- Fostering a community of cooperative storytelling, with a lot of open communication about end goals and things people want to seee happen with a scene. PvP happens! And dramaless PK scenes will get xp goodies. Less drama; more communication and cooperation!
that combined with a focus on Boons and territory, two other facets of MUs that thend to be associated with a PvP environment and another comment from the the same first post that can be seen as dismissive of social rp in general:
- A setting that makes even coffee shop rp into a plottable topic! Want coffee with your friends? Sure! Go to the old warehouse, wade through a few draugr or revenants, and -get that coffee-. Then sip it while healing and snubbing others that have no caffeine. Or use it to barter for important things. Like bullets!
From this I pretty much figured it was a game where the primary conflict source would be other PCs as opposed to staff plots or PrPs.
My advice would be to always put what you want to have the game focus on first when you have an add or a discussion since that is what people with tend to remember most. -
Yeah. I suck.
The firat bit was more to try and push cooperative play and give goodies for keeping any pc on pc conflict civil oocly and encourage people to talk.
The second bit was to point out that anything could become a quick and ahort plot type mini adventure.
Admittedly, there really aren't many social places on grid - I really wanted to leave the world wide open, so the players could come in and plot through the 'rebuild the world' and establish the types of social hangouts they want to see on the grid.I really want the players to have a pretty big say in how the world looks, with staff nudging to make sure it stays within the theme of the setting.
The last thing I want is high combat sheets and pk. I want to help people tell stories, not encourage people to bop about like angry teens with meatcleavers, cutting stories short.
You don't suck you phrased things unclearly, there is a big difference between the two. One of the hard things about the internet is that is informal writing among strangers. things tend to get written more like they are spoken but without familiarity and non-verbal tells messages can get lost.
After reading you clarify what you mean I can definitely see how you could get that from what you wrote but you also can get the interpretation that is seems I and others have gotten.
That is why I used the specific examples to show where the miscommunication happened, and it is an easy thing to do, you know in your head what you want to say so when you read it , your brain goes to that, other readers do not have that info.
My best advice for things like policies and advertisements would be to write them up, then do something else for an hour or so get your brain out of the space it was in when you wrote the policy then go back to it and reread it. If it still sounds like you want it to it is likely good, if you notice spots where it needs editing then congrats you caught an issue before it escaped into the wild. -
I probably just need to start running things past others. In conversation where I can answer questions to help clarify something, I do alright, but when I sit down to solo-write something, I don't have that kind of immediate feedback.
Same woth the theme things. I have this idea, but when I try to sit down and write it out, what I end up with is something like a Defining Moments snapshot of a random person's life. Which might be fun to read, but isn't the best for sitting down to define the theme.
It's a shame that people take 'PvP is allowed' and 'if you PK, let's make it drama free' and turned that into crying about it being a PvP game.
@Admiral said in The Descent MUX:
It's a shame that people take 'PvP is allowed' and 'if you PK, let's make it drama free' and turned that into crying about it being a PvP game.
Where are the people crying about it? I just took it being mentions in the primary (first) goal as meaning that was the focus, and decided it wasn't a game for me.
Heck Taika brought up the issue meaning people were thinking it was a PvP/PK game no one mentioned nay crying til you just did.
It's just a rumor that was going around and apparently causing people to not come check it out. I brought it here, since this is the easiest place to reach a lot of mushers at once.
I have done some work on the wiki, and I think I found the two misleading files. i've edited them both to try and add some clarity and explain my intent, with the help of some eyes from the game to offer advice.
If there was a more PvP element, I suspect you'd get interest from that side as well.
Games with PvP allow you to avoid PvP by simply avoiding conflict with your fellow player. They appeal to a broad audience as long as you can ensure people's safety that do not wish to involve themselves in it.
Games without PvP do not allow you to PvP. It cuts off that whole portion of players who want to compete against other players.
It's something to chew on.