Cybersphere Nostalgia Thread
I'm going to assume it's more than just me, @surreality and a third person who've played Cybersphere. As far as cyberpunk games go, that and a Shadowrun MUD that was kinda cool were the only ones I've played with serious RP. I'm curious to know if people still play, or have thought about going back, etc. Also horror stories but since that's more of a Pit Crew thing we can skip on that one.
I don't play there currently, but I have a million stories about the game.
Unfortunately most of them are horror stories.
@Admiral Well, share a good story, then a horror one. I'm still interested.
A good story. I remember once when I was brand new, Tiny (A NPC) paid me 1000 credits to fetch him a burrito.
Random horror story: An admin (Le Chiffre) once @teleported a bunch of people's equipment (Including mine) from @vacation characters to their character's (Grinch) apartment, thus giving them a giant hoard.
The same admin regularly changed NPC's stats while people fought them so they would get killed.
The same admin once tagged my approval app so nobody else would see it or be able to take it because he knew he was going on vacation for two weeks. So I had to sit there for two weeks in cgen.
The same admin once teleported super NPCs into my apartment, and when they died, teleported even stronger NPCs into my apartment to kill me and retrieve the equipment. Also to firebomb me.
I've got about 100 more stories about just this one singular admin, and he wasn't even 1 percent of the problems I had on that game over the years.
@Admiral Sounds like an admin that shoulda been fired.
I used to love that game with every fiber of my being. A year or so I went back and it was just a shell of sad. I even got offered a million cred to make something happen by an oldbie friend of mine, and I just yawned and erased it from my client.
I played in the very early, pretty golden days when vampire chalises teleported you around the grid and the server would go down because someone at Netsville would unplug the server to vacuum.
@tangent Any stories you'd share? Honestly, it's rare enough to see cyberpunk games around, and I played for a shorter time in comparison to you and @admiral. Still had an interesting time.
I played right after the "RSI reset" right about when Drone first started running around. I don't have too many horror stories other than being killed by staff once, but it made sense. Another time I was head of the NCSP and clone failed, that sucked. Mostly my stories are just funny anecdotes and were largely flavored by being a La Crosse native. We would hangout at Next Generation all day, especially in the summer, and talk about the game. I had the feeling that I myself had missed the good ole days.
I was there around... '97 I think?
I was a hopeless clueless newbie and highly dumb. I was Mayor Mike, the six-armed stripper chick that ended up elected when the guy who was always mayor didn't feel like doing it for a term and it was open. I promptly ended up having to leave the game due to RL (my grandmother, who raised me, was dying
) but not before the character got married to someone whose street name she knew -- but not his real name.
She did not realize his name was Edgar Caine, and that she was now...
...Michael Caine.
Sometimes I love this hobby for the accidental hilarious weirdness.
I mostly miss the infinitely satisfying weirdness of Zeek, Simon, Darius, Bullseye, and Graye.
@tangent The height of staff murder while I was around was that hippie decker chick, Ix, getting airlocked by RSI.
I'd forgotten about this but Kingfox started saving and displaying truly bad player BGs:
(The context is that because you'd have so many people just churning through Cgen with cyberpsychosis and monowhips to die instantly, they required that people actually put some effort into their character in exchange for your high class free clone, mods, and weapons. Since it was a MUD/MOO Hybrid, some hysterical non-efforts resulted.)
@surreality A six-armed stripper sounds fucking hilarious. Mutants, man.
I was lucky enough to know zeek, Simon, Kevlar, Snoopy, Woodstock, Drone, Merlin and others irl. I got a chance to meet Bullseye and Darius. Sadly, Darius died about a year ago.
@GangOfDolls It wasn't actually a MUD/MOO hybrid. It was pure MOO.
The code for stuff like combat and wandering monsters was, from what I gather, all Quinncode. It's what GhostwheelMOO used, with minor tweaks and a setting shift. (This included a combat engine, wandering monster puppet parent, stat system, etc.) The two places ended up then diverging sharply from there.
You can, last I checked, still get the Quinncore MOO db (which has the Ghostwheel stuff, stripped of player stuff and whatnot) somewhere on the interwebs. If there wasn't so much I'd want to tweak in it system-wise, and I had a damn clue how to get a MOO running on this comp that allows inbound connections (apparently more of a pain in the ass than I'd hoped), I'd seriously tinker with that shit for shits and giggles.
@surreality I played on GhostWheel MOO briefly, it's part of why I have never seriously looked at MOO as a code base because the commands, system, and everything else was (at the time) so counter intuitive that I couldn't really grok it.
@Lithium That's actually fixable. Not easily fixable, but it's fixable. The folks at Truelands more or less did so, changing the commands to be a lot closer (if not the same as) MUSH commands.
@surreality said in Cybersphere Nostalgia Thread:
@GangOfDolls It wasn't actually a MUD/MOO hybrid. It was pure MOO.
The code for stuff like combat and wandering monsters was, from what I gather, all Quinncode. It's what GhostwheelMOO used, with minor tweaks and a setting shift. (This included a combat engine, wandering monster puppet parent, stat system, etc.) The two places ended up then diverging sharply from there.
You can, last I checked, still get the Quinncore MOO db (which has the Ghostwheel stuff, stripped of player stuff and whatnot) somewhere on the interwebs. If there wasn't so much I'd want to tweak in it system-wise, and I had a damn clue how to get a MOO running on this comp that allows inbound connections (apparently more of a pain in the ass than I'd hoped), I'd seriously tinker with that shit for shits and giggles.
To be clearer, I wasn't talking about the code. I was talking about the culture base.
@GangOfDolls Oh, definitely so there. I actually still really like the balance they struck there and on Ghostwheel.
It's partly why I wish MOO was a more viable option to work with these days. (It was a lot saner to code in, also, in terms of wrapping one's brain around it.)
Ditto. And @surreality: any idea where we can get said 'Quinncore'? Tried taking a look and searching for it, found a website with HellMOO's database and some other things but not that server base.
@surreality MOO is still a viable option, but probably not for games with themes that have long histories on other codebases, such as WoD. I play on two active MOOs and am currently working on my own Star Wars MOO, which has generated sufficient interest to encourage me to keep working on it.