WoD Games (nWod unless otherwise noted)
San Francisco: Paris of the West -- sfmux.com:1337 // http://www.sfmux.com/index.php/Main_Page
Reno -- reno.kydance.net:2018 // http: http://reno.kydance.net/index.php/Main_Page
Fallcoast -- fallcoast.net 2009 // http://fallcoast.net/wiki/Main_Page
Fate's Harvest -- fatesharvest.com:6464 // http://fatesharvest.com/w/Main_Page
Garou MUSH -- // garoumush.org (oWoD)
Temptest -- game.tempestmux.com 5555 // website unknown (oWoD)
Sheltering Sky: Colorado by Night -- mush.shelteringcolorado.com 2601 (oWoD)
City of Hope MUSH -- cityofhopemush.net port 8888 // http://coh.spork.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
From the Ashes: Detroit by Night -- fta.darcness.net 2860 (v20/w20/m20)
Let Freedom Ring -- - portent.genesismuds.com 8020 // http://letfreedomring.wikidot.com/ (20th Anniv Ed)
Dark Communion -- Dark Communion (Dark Ages)
Descent -- thedescentmux.com:2860 // thedescentmux.com
MahouMUSH -- MahouMUSH.com 7342 // http://www.mahoumush.com
Horror/Urban Fantasy/Urban Horror/Sci-Fi (Non IP)
Multiverse Crisis -- multiversemush.com 5001 // http://multiversemush.com/mw/index.php?title=Main_Page (mixed genres)
Dream Chasers MUSH -- dreamchasers.space 4767 (mixed genres)
Mythara: At the Crossroads -- mythara.com 9900
Cybersphere -- cs.netsville.com 7777
Sindome -- moo.sindome.org 5555
HellMOO -- hellmoo.org 7777 // http://hellmoo.org/
Star Conquest -- squidsoft.net 7777
Lost Dominion: lostdominion.org:600 // https://lostdominion.org (Rifts Based Setting)
Neon Moo -- neon-moo.space, port 7777 // https://neon-moo.space/?date=2018-06-22
IPs (Television, Movies, Comics, Etc.)
Blood of Dragons -- bod.westeros.org: 3000 // http://www.westeros.org/BoD/ (based on Game of Thrones/Song of Ice and Fire series)
Marsilikos - Under the Wings of Angels -- marsilikos.silvertree.org, port 1310 // http://marsilikos.wikidot.com (Kushiel's Legacy book series)
Welcome to Lovecraft -- LovecraftMa.com: 1880 // http://lovecraftma.com/index.php/Main_Page (inspired by the Locke and Key comic series)
Road to Amber -- roadtoamber.com 6250 // http://roadtoamber.com/ (Amber book series)
Babylon 5: The Last Best Hope -- babylon.monolithwebsystems.com 2259 // website unknown (Babylon 5 series)
Shadowrun: Denver -- aelfhame.net 1999 // http://denver.wikidot.com/ (Shadowrun)
United Heroes Mush -- unitedheroesmush.com 1999 // https://www.unitedheroesmush.com/index.php?title=Main_Page (Marvel Universe)
Star Trek: Among The Stars -- ats.trekmush.org 1701 // http://www.trekmush.org/index.php/Main_Page (Star Trek)
Equestrian Dawn -- mush.equestriandawn.com 8789 (MLP)
Star Wars: Rebirth Mush -- game.starwarsrebirth.com 9999 (Star Wars)
Tenebrae - the Emblem of Ea -- tenebraemush.net 4001 ((Pathfinder/D&D))
Pernworld -- paper.mudmagic.com 2211 (Pern series)
CoMuX: NuGenesis -- nugenesismux.com 6006 (Marvel Universe)
Inheritance Gambit: inheritancegambit.com:2099 // https://inheritancegambit.com (Marvel Universe)
Super Robot Wars -- srwmush.com 2015 // https://www.srwmush.com/index.php?title=Main_Page (Video Game)
Tenebrous Isles - tenebrousisles.com port 9001 // Website: http://www.tenebrousisles.com/wiki/Main_Page (Dresden Files)
Mutant Genesis MUX: mutantgenesismux.com:2017 // mutantgenesismux.com (Marvel Universe, mutant-focused)
Gods and Monsters MUX: mutantgenesismux.com:2017 // godsandmonstersmux.com (DC Universe, Justice League focused)
Fantasy/Medieval Settings (Non IP)
Arx -- play.arxmush.org port 3000 // Website: play.arxmush.org
Valorous Dominion -- // http://valorous.wikidot.com
The Enternal Crusade - mushhaven.com port 1220 Website: eternalcrusade.wikidot.com
Match of the Millenium -- motm.kicks-ass.net port 2002 // http://motm.kicks-ass.net/ (Arena/Fight Tournament Theme)
License to Kill -- portent.genesismuds.com:2077 (Espionage/Spy Themes)
Adult Themes
NaughtyMuffin MUSH -- muffinmush.club 2469
Penultimate Destination -- penultimatemush.com 9500
Shoujo-Ai MUSH -- yuriba.com 4201
Shangrila MUSH -- shangrilamux.com 9999
Terminus Faire -- terminus.mushpark.com 9999
Some Guidelines:
Completeness: This is by no means an exhaustive list, if I've overlooked a game it wasn't intentional and please reach out so I can update.
Game Quality/Content: I cannot vouch for any of these games in terms of content, staff quality, activity levels, plot quality, player behavior, etc. Good luck and put on your helmet.
Websites: Some were not available in all cases or I couldn't find them, if I missed yours my apologies and let me know so I can correct.
Notes: I may have gotten some genre notes wrong or connection addresses wrong - please reach out in PM or correct on this thread
Sources: I pulled from Mud Connector, the MSB threads, and Mud Stats - 2 of the 3 of these sources are not always reliable in terms of refresh data but I did attempt to connect to most of these places to verify that they are up and there are people logged in and active -- i.e. no 3 people connected and idle for 6 days, etc.
Cadence: I plan to periodically update this list with new games/removing closed games as time allows.