I love it when you RP with a handful of new folks, not knowing what to expect, and you riff each other like old timey New Orleans Jazz musicians

Best posts made by tangent
RE: MU Things I Love
RE: Suicide Squad: Nation Under Fire
None of this is real.
He's been "making" games no one plays for years.
It's part of the Chet Method. We call it trolling.
Edited for spelling.
RE: The Apology Thread
I'm sorry for that one time on Cybersphere where a kid took a bunch of effort into a plot, like months and what not, and I just walked in the room and put a bullet in his head.
And I'm also sorry for that time right after, that I set my tagline to NCSP: We're sorry about your plot.
RE: Retail "Horror" Stories
@Thenomain said in Retail "Horror" Stories:
It seems unusual that to be Christian in America seems to mean to be Conservative so strongly that if someone wanted to identify as a Liberal Christian, I'm not sure what they would say. Nothing, perhaps.
We basically stick up for gay people and point out the hypocrisy of conservative economic policy with Biblical principles. I'm sure you can guess how well that goes.
Marvel: 1963
A little over a week ago I put out a call to folks for help on an idea I had for a new comic mush. With help from amazing folks like @faraday @ixokai and @TNP I'm happy to say we're opening up for beta testing.
Anyone who signs up for a character will be able to keep that character after opening, and some RP will be carried through if all parties are willing. See the theme blurb and the link to the wiki below.
It is a confusing time in the world, both politically and socially. Wars and rumors of wars are fought and hinted at throughout the globe. Fear and paranoia of mutants is tacitly, or sometimes openly acknowledged by those in power. Over the past few years the emergence of costumed vigilantes has caused further stress on a nation and world that seems unfit or unwilling to handle the complex problems they face.
Marvel: 1963 is a roleplaying MUSH set in the Marvel Universe. While not strictly a year-one game, our story takes place in 1963 during the height of the Cold War, the escalation of Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement, and at the beginning of the superhero craze and mutant paranoia. The hallmark of our game is the story telling; we invite players to run plots and want to incorporate the results of those scenes in our overall story arc. Our current focus is on New York City, though we plan to expand as our playerbase grows.
Players are not limited to Marvel's roster from the early 60s, but are able to pick the nearly limitless options from their entire catalog of characters with adaptations to make them fit in the generation that changed the world forever.
RE: Tangent!
@macha I can't! It's Covid football season. Pretty much all of 2021 will be taken up!
RE: Downvotes
At the risk of sounding dumb, who cares if you get downvoted? Does that mean you don't get to level up or something?
RE: I miss
@Sunny Me too in a way. I dont know why but it sapped my energy for rp. Thought about him the other day and realized how much fun he made things.
Latest posts made by tangent
RE: Tangent!
@macha I can't! It's Covid football season. Pretty much all of 2021 will be taken up!
Astonishing Tales Down
Hi y'all,
To any of the players on Astonishing Tales--were currently down. I can't get to the server to see what's up until this afternoon when I get back home from work. I'll get to it as soon as I can.
RE: MU Things I Love
@bear_necessities Sandboxy year one comic game. If you want the addy, I'll hit you up! Been having a ton of fun. I've decided I really dig small games.
RE: MU Things I Love
Give me a small, hyper-active game anytime.
These are the good old days.
RE: RL Anger
@L-B-Heuschkel In Wisconsin we're having a tough time finding teachers. I'm lucky my administration has our back and is understanding of all of this craziness.
I also believe they get that the pool of teachers has dwindled significantly in recent years (due to some stuff in our state) and we're now reaching the bottom of the barrel.
RE: Spitballing for a supers Mush
@Ganymede Anecdotally, I haven't really come to believe this. I think there are about the same numbers and it's mostly the same people. I think comic games are driven by two opposite desires of wanting lots of people to scene with while also having open chars they like and want to play. Almost like a scale. And the cycle repeats itself as soon as something, usually staff drama, upsets the balance cart or someone pissed off makes a new game with open chars that have enough to to justify jumping ship. I was thinking back to older supers games and there wasn't gobs more people overall playing those things, to my recollection.
Edited for spellin
RE: Suicide Squad: Nation Under Fire
None of this is real.
He's been "making" games no one plays for years.
It's part of the Chet Method. We call it trolling.
Edited for spelling.
RE: Tangent's Playlist
Edited to fill in old games and the new game I'm playing.
RE: The Work Thread
@silverfox I'm scared and frustrated too. Teaching in this environment is awful and I don't know what to do either. Good luck with everything.