I prefer Fable with a controller... which is strange since I like my Elder Scrolls on a mouse/keyboard.
General Video Game Thread
I prefer Fable with a controller... which is strange since I like my Elder Scrolls on a mouse/keyboard.
I started gaming with consoles, Artari 2600 way back in the day so to me joystick or controller feels natural for games. I don't mind using a mouse as a controller for things like Baldur's Gate where you could do most things without a key board but my preference will always be for controllers.
Yeah, one of the Atari systems, probably also the 2600, was my first real console. We even had a Pong thing. Then it was the NES (which I still have, which still works) and the rest is history.
@Wolfs said in General Video Game Thread:
Yeah, one of the Atari systems, probably also the 2600, was my first real console. We even had a Pong thing. Then it was the NES (which I still have, which still works) and the rest is history.
Atari, with the joystick and the orange buttons to the side and the number pad.
The the NES and original GameBoy.
Then the SNES.
Then the Sega Genesis NOMAD!
And then the Playstation 2.
... and then PC Master Race. XD
[Taking the Witcher 3 out of the No Man's Sky thread]
@Ganymede said in No Man's Sky Thread:
As for Ciri's eyeshadow, just play the game. And watch this trailer:
Yyyeaaaaahhhhh, but I can't even make it through Witcher 1 for its janky controls—I can't mentally get through it—and its buggy nonsense—the reverend disappeared so I can't get past the starting village. As much as I absolutely adore a good story, I do have standards.
@Thenomain, Witcher 3, from all I've heard, has a vastly different control schema than Witcher 1-2. I haven't played 1 or 2, myself, and I think 3 is fine.
@Thenomain said in General Video Game Thread:
Yyyeaaaaahhhhh, but I can't even make it through Witcher 1 for its janky controls—I can't mentally get through it—and its buggy nonsense—the reverend disappeared so I can't get past the starting village. As much as I absolutely adore a good story, I do have standards.
I played it on the PS4. I don't know what problems there were before, but they are gone now.
In fact, I've never played any of the other Witcher games. Ever. I just picked this game up and played the living shit out of it because holy hell is it good. Whereas you arguably need to play ME1 and ME2 to appreciate (or follow) ME3, such is not the case here.
Edited to add:
Also, the Witcher 3's soundtrack is mind-boggling terrific. I loved how they captured the feeling of Eastern Europe -- Poland, especially -- as a sort of homage to the source material's author.
I listen to this soundtrack at work. A lot. It scares people.
@Ganymede I've never even touched Witcher 1 or 2. Nor do I intend to, especially since I suspect I could play Witcher 3 for the next two years nightly and just not finish it...
I do think I'll need to spend a few hours configuring and calibrating my Steam controller for it, though...
@Coin said in General Video Game Thread:
I do think I'll need to spend a few hours configuring and calibrating my Steam controller for it, though...
You might. I've never used one.
I went through the game as a Cat School witcher, so I built Geralt with an emphasis on dodging and quick strikes. The telepathic strike is especially useful when you're fast, but I preferred to cutty-cutty-chop-chop my opponents.
I'm still at level 21. I haven't actually gotten any Witcher gear from any specific school, and I ahven't played with the different combinations of abilities yet. I do like the telekinetic blast, though. I like all five of the powers, though Yrd (the wraithtrap) is sometimes tricky to use well.
And you get to have sex on a stuffed unicorn! How many games let you do that?
So instead I picked up Renowned Explorers at a lovely 66% off on Steam. It's a fun and funny diversion that will tide me over until I get paid. And pay rent. And loans. And bills. But it's fun.
@Insomnia said in General Video Game Thread:
And you get to have sex on a stuffed unicorn! How many games let you do that?
Actually did that already. It was hilarious. In fact, I think of all the non-gameplay things the game has (i.e. story, graphics, etc.) the hilarious stuff that happens to Geralt during his sexual exploits may be my favorite.
@Coin Have you read the books?
@Coin said in General Video Game Thread:
In fact, I think of all the non-gameplay things the game has (i.e. story, graphics, etc.) the hilarious stuff that happens to Geralt during his sexual exploits may be my favorite.
The number of brothels on the game is both realistic and disturbing at the same time.
@Ganymede said in General Video Game Thread:
@Coin said in General Video Game Thread:
In fact, I think of all the non-gameplay things the game has (i.e. story, graphics, etc.) the hilarious stuff that happens to Geralt during his sexual exploits may be my favorite.
The number of brothels on the game is both realistic and disturbing at the same time.
I just really also like that the game gives you the chance to be suave, or kind of awkward, or just shoot yourself in the foot HARDCORE romantically. You play Geralt's ways with women how you like, basically.
@Coin said in General Video Game Thread:
You play Geralt's ways with women how you like, basically.
And this is why I went with Triss. Because Yennifer is a bit cunty.
@Ganymede said in General Video Game Thread:
@Coin said in General Video Game Thread:
You play Geralt's ways with women how you like, basically.
And this is why I went with Triss. Because Yennifer is a bit cunty.
Yes! I have so many problems with Yennifer and one of them is that she was not a completely horrible person (as far as fictional characters go), just more than somewhat.
@Ganymede said in General Video Game Thread:
@Coin said in General Video Game Thread:
You play Geralt's ways with women how you like, basically.
And this is why I went with Triss. Because Yennifer is a bit cunty.
I went with Yennefer, because I like to make Geralt suffer a little. Also, I am not far enough into the game to have explored any of the relationships very well. I liked the interactions with Triss, but when I played their moment in the maze, I still hadn't really met Yennefer (which you only really do when you go to Skellige, really, and I hadn't yet).
So I wanted to explore that.
I honestly don't actually know if my decisions in Geralt's romantic life are set in stone yet--I have a lot more to play still.