@jaded Yeah, I just caught up on that. Good stuff nonetheless.
And as a belated answer to Theno's question somewhere in there, vehicles (at least in the rules as I remember them) were a different beast from Mechs in terms of armor and durability. With mechs, you had a set amount of internal structure based on the tonnage, and up to double that number in armor points. Vehicles had no internal structure to speak of - you could slap as much armor on to the things as could fit within the tonnage. However, where mechs could lose a limb or torso segment and keep going, a vehicle was destroyed if any segment of it was breached.
That said, I did once put together an annoyance lance consisting of four 50-ton hovertanks with no weapon and maxed out armor and engines. Charge rules were such that you did 1 point per 10 tons of weight, multiplied by the number of hexes moved - and a topped off Hovertank could move at something like 16 or 18 hexes. Basically, 80-90 points of damage to a single leg; which, if it overcame both armor and structure (likely, given that even an Atlas had only 21 Structure and 41 armor in each leg), the remainder would be transferred to the torso. It was also pretty common for most mechs to store ammo in their legs, and we played before the age of CASE - so ...